Mochi Ice-Cream Part 20

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(A/N: If you don't like the cover, you have no heart :< )

Ayano's POV

When the nice waitress brought our food, I was so happy. I was starving! I'd skipped lunch since I was so nervous, so my bento was just sitting in my bag. A mango pudding sounded SO good right now!

As soon as she left, we dug right in! When we were walking here, I'd saw a bento box inside of Akihito's bag poking out, so I knew he must be hungry, too!

But something weird happened as soon as Akihito took a bite out of his mochi...

He passed out!

I was surprised

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I was surprised. Was I THAT boring??? I started poking him.

"H-hey! Akihito!! W-wake up!! Aki!!! Wake up!!!" I whispered. I sighed. I thought he liked me, but I guess I was wrong.

After I finished my mango pudding, I hastily got up and paid my bill. Then, I stormed out with tears in my eyes. This was the worst date ever!!!

Akihito's POV
When our food came, I was pumped! I was starving, since I'd skipped lunch. Of course, I just dug into my mochi as soon as it came. I loved mochi!

But as soon as I took one bite, my head started to spin. It was not a pleasant feeling.

I was really, REALLY dizzy!! I tried to keep my eyes open, but my head was getting really heavy. Suddenly, I noticed something. The mochi in my hand had a strange, clear liquid running out from the middle! I frowned. My head was on fire! I simply passed out.

Taro's POV
Yesss!!! Ayano-angel left the cafe looking pretty pissed. And Akihito is still asleep! Perfect.

I walk over to him in my girl disguise. Then, I bend over and give him 3 hard taps on the shoulder. This was how the nurse woke everyone up, so I assumed it would work. It did! Akihito perked up like a rocket. He looked around, confused. Then, he remembered his surrondings.

"AYANO! W-WAIT!!! H-huh? Wha-?" he said, sounding confused. I looked at him with the most caring look I could muster.

"Sweetie, are you okay? You just flopped down! And your date left." I say with a concerned frown on my face. But on the inside, I was having a party! Ayano probably hated him now, and I would have her all to myself! Plus, the look on Akihito's face right now was hilarious! He looked at me as if I'd just told him robots took over! He was so confused! I loved it!

"B-b-but! What!!" he said. Then, he looked at the single mochi in his hand and frowned. Then, he looked at me furiously.

"Excuse me, what is THIS?!?!" he demanded, pointing at the mochi. I glanced at it, and saw it. The tranquilizer liquid apparently didn't just mix into the ice cream as I'd hoped, and was just dripping out of the mochi. UH-OH!!

"Err...sir, that's our famous mochi SIMPLE SYRUP, which we put it to make the mochi sweeter!" I say with a forced smile.

"Oh yea? Than you eat some." he says, holding the mochi out to me.

I have no choice. I quickly take a large bite, and without chewing, I swallow. I am so nervous. Will I pass out? Not chewing seems to help.

I start sweating, but I hide it with yet another fake smile

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I start sweating, but I hide it with yet another fake smile. Akihito looks at me, looking convinced. Then he nods, hands me the money for his food, and simply walks out. Whew! I'm safe!

Wait. Nope. Dizzy. Must! Get! To! Kitchen! Aghhhh!!!!

 Must! Get! To! Kitchen! Aghhhh!!!!

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Akihito's POV
Something is off here...

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