The Dark Side of Akedemi : Part 30

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Taro's POV
I started to gather information on Aiko, so that I would know how to eliminate her. First of all, I found out she was EXTREMELY rich. So, that rules out murder, since her family would probably pay the police to continue the search until they found the murderer.

Bullying...? No one would be stupid enough to bully someone they're scared of. And almost everyone's scared of Aiko. Except for the social butterflies, but they're all friends with Aiko now, and would never hurt her.

I was pondering for such a long time, until I finally came up with my answer!

I should become her friend!!!

Let me explain...

If I can gain her trust, I can convince her that she should leave Ayano alone. Plus, it would be the easiest right now! Since I have to spy on Mai Waifu for Info-chan, I have much less time to clean up any messes. To gain her trust, Info-chan says I have to do some favours for her. That's pretty easy!

On Tuesday, I approached Aiko when she was hanging out with Ayano and the rest of the social butterflies. Strangely, Mai and Akihito were missing. Oh well.

"Hey, Aiko-right?" I say casually.

"Uhh yeah. What's up?" she responds.

"I'm running errands for everyone! Do you need anything?" I ask.

"Actually, yeah! There is something I need!" Aiko answered. "I lost my charm bracelet on my first day here. It's made of gold and jewels, and it's super expensive! Do you think you could help me look for it?".

"Yeah! Okay! I can do that!" I say confidently. It's just one charm bracelet. How hard could it be?

"REALLY!? Thank you SOOO much!!!" Aiko said happily. I smile at her. Then, I go look for that bracelet.

Aiko's POV
Taro Yamada randomly doing something nice for me? Strange...but I'll take it! My charm bracelet really is super expensive, and I just don't have time to look around.

Ayano seems to feel better around Akihito after our chat on Friday. I'm happy about that, but I'm still going to tell her not to get a boyfriend. Then, we can be the ultimate friend pair forever! Hopefully, I'm not coming off as TOO clingy. I just rarely have friends as good as Ayano, and I want to be her friend forever :3

Akihito's POV
I need to run. To get out of here.

Mai approached me on Thursday, telling me to do the unthinkable.

"Hey, Aki! Heh, this is funny! Okay, hear me out! I'm...planning a school takeover! Yup! I'm gonna kill all the teachers and enslave the students to do my bidding! Then, after Akedemi, I go to city domination, then state, then COUNTRY! Soon, all of Japan will be mine! And guess what? YOU need to protect me! What do you say?" she said with a smile on her face.

Obviously, I don't remember our entire conversation off the top of my head, but I OBVIOUSLY said NO!!! I just CAN'T do something like that! I thought Mai was innocent, but she's actually a cold murderer. And I can't be with anyone like that.

 And I can't be with anyone like that

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I ran from her. I ran down the road, all the way to my house. I accidentally bumped into Ayano while running, and I heard her shove Mai, so I have her to thank. If she hadn't stopped Mai, I probably would've been dead!

But now, Mai is roaming around the school, looking for me. I've survived a day so far. But, Ayano told me that Mai is literally searching for me- and that she's seen Mai holding knives. I need to leave Akedemi. I need to find a way to get out. I've discussed this with Ayano over text, and thankfully, she supports me 100%. She isn't happy that I'm gonna move, but she wants me to be safe. I just have to survive this one day, and I have Ayano and Aiko to protect me. I'll be fine!


Ayano's POV
I want to cry, laugh and scream all at the same time.

Akihito's going to move. The boy that's been through so much with me is going to move. I...I wish I could've spent more time with him. On the other hand, I'm glad that Akihito doesn't love Mai anymore. I guess I really do care for him. Even if he's going to leave, I still want him to be 'mine', although we sorta "broke up". And apparently, Mai's going to...enslave all of us! UGHHH!! SHE CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!! I...need a break.

Plus, I need to protect Akihito today, and I need all focus to be on him. If I take my eyes off him for just a minute, Mai could sneak up on him with a knife in her hands and...

Whatever. I just need to focus.

If I don't...

Akihito could die.

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