Settled In : Chapter 40

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Don't hate me please :< Let me explain!!
I wrote this chapter...and then it got deleted. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL [enter curses]😒😒😒
Anyways hope you enjoy!!! 😏

Yui Rio's POV

Ayano spent hours explaining everything that's happened to her in life so far. I was shocked to know that she'd killed before, but it didn't really taint my image of her. After all, we all had to get our hands dirty once in a while. I swore not to tell anyone, and showed her to the guest room. She thanked me over and over again, and then went to sleep.

Walking back to my living room, I sighed and flopped onto my couch. Although I was technically living with a murderer, I wasn't nervous at all. I guess it was from experience...


"Daddy, please! What's happening?!" 5-year old Yui Rio exclaimed.

"Shut UP, Yui!!!" the man she called her father shouted. In his right hand was a blood-covered knife. "Learn to shut your trap someday, would'ya?! Girls should be seen, not heard!!!".

"But daddy!" Yui cried. "Why isn't Mommy moving?". She was staring at her mother, who was laying on the floor in a pool of blood. "And what's that red stuff?!".

"I SAID, SHUT UP YUI!!!" her father screamed, slapping her. Yui yelped and fell to the ground in tears.

"Now Yui, we're moving far, far away from here. Pack your bags" he grumbled, leaving his daughter with his deceased wife. Yui just sat there and cried.

10 years later...

Today was the day. Carefully, I made sure I had all my papers with me. I called my lawyer, who wished the both of us the best of luck.

It was the day I was about to bring my "father" to court.

About a month ago, he was convicted of murder again, for about the 8th time. But of course, he was found innocent YET AGAIN. I was so tired of watching him slip out of justice again and again. So, I decided to submit myself as a witness.

Even though my dad was a very clever person, he wasn't smart enough to hide the murders from me. He killed at our apartment, sometimes when I was in the same room. He didn't give a shit about me, but I was ready to bring the man who murdered my mother to justice.

When I got to the courthouse, I took one last look at my "father". He was red, and obviously angry.


"Oh? I have a father? If you see him, tell him I'm in the courthouse, putting a dickhead in jail." I snarled. He was shocked, seeing that I'd never stood up to him before.

Then, the judge's gavel rang through the room.

Time to take the dickhead down.

After trial...

"I find him...."

Everyone held their breath.

"...guilty. He will be charged with a life sentence.".

I cheered, along with my lawyer and the families of the poor victims of my ex-father. Oh, I forgot to mention! While running against my father, I decided to also file a lawsuit against him for child abuse. Yes, while I lived with him, he abused me on a nightly basis. I filed for 8M, since I knew he was loaded (he had some pretty powerful friends). So now, I was practically free, and a millionaire.

I decided that I would tell everyone that my "parents" simply disowned me. It saved a lot of story time.


Finishing the flashback, I realized I was crying. I went to get tissues, but a question popped into my mind.

"Why don't you hate Aya for killing?'

I thought about it. But I already knew an answer.

If she was forced by her mom, she probably didn't have a choice. And if she was running away from her mom right now, I would guess that she was a pretty scary woman. I couldn't blame Aya for that.

I lie down on my couch, drowsiness taking over my body. The last thought I have before I slip into sleep is-

Did I lock the door?

Taro's POV

Ryoba finishes cooking, and sets a dish of ramen in front of me. I'm currently seated at someone's house, I don't recognize it though.

"Eat." she says firmly. I don't disagree, my stomach feels like the brain of Donald Trump- empty.

"So, what do you want with my daughter?" Ryoba asks. I choke on the noodles.

"W-what?" I say.

"Don't play dumb" she says sweetly, but firmly. "You've been stalking my daughter, yandere style". She sighs. "I wish she was more like you. But what do you plan on doing with her?".

"N-nothing ma'am! I swear!" I say, suddenly losing my appetite. She chuckles.

"Really? Nothing?" she laughs. "Then why did you kill her boyfriend? And every other guy she showed interest in?". By now, my jaw is dropped. I swallow, hard. I place my chopsticks down, and look straight into her eyes.

"What do you want from me?"

Author is mucho sorry for late publishes 😥 Ples forgive Author

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