Scared At Akedemi : Part 9

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Satoshi's POV
When me and Aya were walking to Akedemi, some creep was following us! He was watching Ayano, and she didn't even notice! I'll have to keep an eye on him. Ayano told me already that something was wrong with Akedemi. She told me that there had been MURDERS lately. I hope that doesn't happen to me or Ayano. I could care less about other people. Ever since I'd met Ayano, I hadn't been able to find a better person. So I didn't bother.

Ayano's POV
I'm so scared to go to school. Thankfully, I have Satoshi by my side. Budo has been growing more and more distant ever since Haruto was murdered. He always wants to be the "center of attention", and he wants to find Haruto's murderer all by himself. When I offered an invite to the Crime Club, he, quote on quote, said:

"No! Your silly club may be popular, but it's no match for me! I'll find the murderer by myself with no help!"

What a jerk. I thought he liked me :[
I told Satoshi about this. He doesn't like Budo. I predict that Budo will like Satoshi though. Satoshi is basically the poster child of karate in Japan. He is one of the best!

When we arrive at Akedemi, I can tell Satoshi is shocked.

Satoshi's POV
Everything is so...dark!
As soon as you step into the school gates, the sky seems to darken. The school's white brick composition turns grey. The students that are walking in are shaking in fear. They're frowning and they keep checking behind them.

I hate this! Why is Aya's school so dangerous?! What if I move again?! Aya will be left alone. It just isn't right. I need to make sure Akedemi is safe and happy. I decide to not leave Aya's side. I can guarantee safety. I hope Aya stays safe.

When I follow Aya into the courtyard, I can tell all eyes are on me. Being Japan's karate poster child makes you famous I guess. The girls stare at me the whole time. The boys talk to me only about karate. I want to stay by Aya's side, but she talks to the social butterflies, and I've never been friends with anyone BUT Aya. But the boys don't talk much. They're shaking as well, scared. I suppose if it wasn't scary, I'd be more comfortable. But because of the MURDERS, everyone is scared

Ayano's POV
I knew Satoshi wanted to save Akedemi from its atmosphere. I could feel it. He was observing everything, as if he was preparing to do something. But i didn't want him to do anything. I didn't want him to pull a "Budo" on me and leave me. Maybe he'd join the Crime Club?

Satoshi's POV
Yes, I do wanna join Aya's Crime Club! I could be the tough but sweet one, Aya could be the one everyone likes, and it would be a chance to make more friends, which is more for Aya's benefit than mine. She's wanted me to get more social for forever.

After school time SKIP!

After school, I walked with Aya to the room they would be using as a Crime Club. Over the days, she'd filled it with interesting things : a corkboard, some markers, a large round table, chairs, paper, and some fedoras that you wore when you joined. We put on our fedoras, and sat down. When the rest of the members came, we discussed possible suspects. The Basu sisters were popular choices, being rumored to be mythical creatures.

After that, we went home. I stayed at Aya's house, on her couch, since she was scared to be alone. I could tell the Crime Club helped her, tho.

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