In-Between Distraction : Part 24

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Mai's POV
I've been doing this for approximately a week now. Every time, Akihito seems more and more happy to see me. Is Taro's plan actually...working? I didn't expect that!

If I can be quite honest right now...

I was planning to KILL HIM.

Let me explain...
Taro is in my way of becoming the exemplary student.
If I want to be the empress of Japan itself, I need a rockin' reputation!
But everyone thinks I'm a weak little girl who can't defend herself! It's so frustrating! And when I show them my true strength, they act as if a girl life ME shouldn't be capable of such!

And Ayano-chan! Is NO ONE ELSE aware she was the Akedemi murderer?! I mean, who runs around so late after-school with a mop and bucket?! And she always left school in her gym uniform! And everyone else seems so oblivious about these clues! Even the police!

Why havn't I turned her in? Because I RESPECT her! She's getting rid of everyone so that I don't have to get my own hands dirty! She even got rid of Megami Saiko for me! The top student in the DISTRICT!!! I was planning on allying with her, but then she went soft... -.-

Well anyways, I'm not actually shy! I just have to ACT like it! Obviously, I have to keep a low profile if I want to remain silent to the government

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Well anyways, I'm not actually shy! I just have to ACT like it! Obviously, I have to keep a low profile if I want to remain silent to the government...for now >:)
You wanna know why I want Akihito? Easy! Think about it! Akihito is the perfect build for a bodyguard! If I win him over BEFORE I start my takeover, he'll stay on my side during and after my takeover, deeming me UNTOUCHABLE!!! MWAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Anyways, the day has finally reached Friday! Taro claims that Akihito is completely smutten, so I will confess today! And someday, my takeover shall begin!

So, after-school, I put my little letter in Akihito's locker and I run to the infamous tree.

Akihito's POV
Over the course of the week, me and Mai have gotten as close as me and Ayano! Darn me and my stupid, stupid charm! One Friday, me and Ayano are gonna head out early to see a movie, when a little pink note falls out of my locker when I'm changing my shoes! Oh! Is this-

Oh. Nope. It can't be Ayano. She's right here with me, and the note says this:

Meet me by the cherry blossom tree
I'll be waiting! <3

~A girl

I sigh. What should I chose?
A sorta-date with Ayano (that she considers a hangout but I say it's a date)?
Or meet a girl (who's probably Mai Waifu) and have her as my girlfriend?

"Hey! You coming??" I hear Ayano's clarion voice call for me.

"Umm...actually, I have something to do. I can't go today" I say before running off. I mean, I love Ayano and all, but Mai might just be the light-hearted, fun relationship I need, kind of like an in-between seasons activity.

When I get to the tree, Mai confronts me.

" you A-a-akihito..." she stammers. I smile, and embrace her in a hug.

I guess we're dating now.

Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now