Don't leave me... : Part 12

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Ayano's POV

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Satoshi was sleeping in a chair next to me. Everything hurt, and when I opened my mouth, I tasted the metallic taste I'd tasted in the black void. Was I really alive? I tried talking to Satoshi, but discovered my mouth was dry and my voice was cracky. I decided to not say anything and just sit up and watch some TV.

When Satoshi woke up, he was so relieved. We talked, and then the nurse made him leave since I had to get rest. I was glad he was okay. I didn't want to lose any more people. Speaking of which, I should've asked him about Yui and Yuna and Koharu. I hope they're recovering from their losses. I hope Saki and Kokona are okay. Musume has been staying home the past few days, so I hope she's okay as well

A few days later the doctors say I can return to school. I'm super excited but nervous all at the same time. What are my friends gonna say? We're they worried?

Me and Satoshi quickly walked to school straight from the hospital, right after I'd changed. They'd supplied me with a new uniform, since my old one was bloody and torn

When I got to Akedemi, I noticed that the sky was noticeably darker and everyone was way more scared. The social butterflies surrounded me and showered me with relief. I was glad they were all okay. I decided to walk around the school to see what had changed. Satoshi insisted on accompanying me on my walk, just to protect me from any dangers. I laughed it off but allowed him to come.

After my walk, I was sure Akedemi was the same. I smiled with a bit of relief. I decided to visit Budo-san. He may have turned into a jerk, but I wanted him to know I was okay. Satoshi was agianst it, but I dragged him to the Martial-Arts room and opened the door.

For a minute, I only saw papers everywhere. Then, I saw Budo-san.

On the ground.


I couldn't do much for a bit

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I couldn't do much for a bit. Then I screamed in pain, then fell to the floor.

Satoshi's POV

Aya insisted on visiting the Martial Arts club to check on that jerk. I didn't want to, but I needed to keep an eye on Aya, so I went.

When we went up, Aya happily opened the door. She looked around for a bit, since the room seemed to be empty.

Then, she started screaming. She fell to the floor, in tears. I looked around for the cause of Aya's breakdown. I see a dead Budo.

I went to a teacher and reported what I'd seen. I take her there, where she finds dead Budo and a hysterical Ayano. She calls the police. I try to comfort Aya, but it seems as if there's a barrier between us, and she can't here anything I'm saying. She's just kneeling there, screaming and crying. (If you get this Hunger Games reference, comment saying "FIRE!!!")

It seems like ages until the police can come. Then, they take Aya out of my arms and into the social butterfly's. They want to interview me separately, since I'm new. I hope Aya is okay.

The Social Butterfly's POV

Saki- Where should we start? Umm

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Saki- Where should we start? about the beginning! So, there's a serial killer in our school! Yup! And so far, they've killed Haruto, Mei, and apparently, now they got Budo-san!

Kokona - Yeah, I guess. Poor Ayano-chan! She deserves better. She's been working so hard lately on solving the murders that she hasn't had any sleep these past 2 nights! She says she's fine but I really highly doubt it. Ayano is known for covering her emotions.

Yui - I mean, I know how she felt. I do. But did she really have to scream that loud? I mean, gosh darnit girl, if you gotta scream, at least keep it down?! Ughh, so annoying.

Everyone- YUI!!! >:(

Yui- WHAT?! It's just my opinion. Even I didn't scream that loud when I found out tha- you know, I don't wanna talk about it...

Musume- It's just that, like, Ayano, like didn't even deserve this! And, like, she's been working, like, really hard on, like, preventing this! Poor, like, Ayano!

Yui- Musume, you sound like a dog on steroids

Musume- Aww, thanks Yui!

Yuna- I just hope Ayano feels better. Akedemi wouldn't be the same without her.

Koharu- Yeah! And, y'know, SOMEONE has to avenge Mei.

Saki- Anyways, we hope Ayano feels better!

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