Who are you? : Part 44

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This is gonna be short...sorry! T^T

Ayano's POV:

Yui and I were in full-blown panic mode. What was going on?? We heard footsteps going around the house while we were practically turning her room upside-down to look for her gun.

"Maybe under the mattress?" Yui suggested, sweat dripping down her forehead. I shrugged, and tried to pry the mattress from the bed frame.

"Yui! Help me!" I cried. She and I were now trying to lift her heavy mattress. Did she glue the thing down or something?

Suddenly, the door burst open.





He was dressed in all black, but his face was clear. It was definitely him. What was he doing?! I immediately ducked under the bed. I thought Yui would do the same, but instead, she stood absolutely still.

Yui's POV:

I stood there. I knew Ayano was hidden under my bed, but I also knew that the killer'd seen our dinners. He knew that there were people in the house. So if I hid, he'd search the house and find BOTH of us.

I knew what I had to do.

"Hello" I said calmly, crossing my hands over my chest. The person looked at me.

Taro Yamada?!

"T-taro?! Is that really you?!" I exclaimed. He looked at me with...guilt?

"Oh hi Yui" he said in a shaky voice.

"Don't bullshit me" I growled. "Why are you in my house?"

He answered by pointing the gun at me.

Ayano's POV:

What was going on?!

Looking around my cramped environments, I saw the gun wedged into the bed frame.

The gun!

I tried wiggling it out, but it refused to budge.

"Don't bullshit me" I heard Yui say. I tried elbowing the gun, and it budged a bit.


I kept prying and elbowing, until the gun finally fell into my hands.



I heard the gunshot go off, as something heavy flopped to the ground. I cautiously took a peek from under the bed.

Yui was lying on the floor, her head just oozing blood out.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry and sob, and to avenge Yui.

Avenging was the one thing I could do.

I swiftly rolled out from under the bed. Taro was busy examining Yui's body. Perfect. I took perfect aim at his head, and spoke as clearly and confidently as possible.

"Drop your weapon" I commanded. "Or else I shoot."



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