Issues : Part 37

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She's with a very old looking man, maybe in his 50's? Why is she with him? Then, she meets my gaze. Her eyes widen. She politely excuses herself from her date, then walks over to me.

"What are YOU doing here?"


I stared at my friend. Not knowing what to say, my mouth just opened, closed, opened, closed, repeat. Her violet eyes pierced my skin.

"Helloooo..? Earth to Ayanoo!" Kokona said, waving a hand in front of my face. Think Ayano, think!

"Hey, Kokona!" comes out of my mouth. She looks confused, and I mentally face-palm myself. "I'm just here to enjoy a snack!". Okay, that was...believable. I don't really want to mention Akihito. She'll think I'm depressed or something!

"But why HERE?" She says, glaring at me yet again.

"It was...uh...close?"

"Dude there's a McDonald's one block away from your house"

"I didn't want McDonald's"

"There's also a KFC and I know your favorite food it fried chicken"

"Meh...too greasy and fatty"

I am so sorry fried chicken, my baby 😭😭😭

"Oh." She simply replies. She notices me looking at her date.

He's pretty old, with salt-and-pepper hair and wrinkles.

She gets nervous. "Please Ayano, don't tell anyone!" She begs. I smile at her. "I promise" I say. She returns my smile. "Is this why all the social butterflies were acting weird near me?" I ask. She nods her head. Well, at least they weren't ignoring me.

I take my seat, as the waitress comes back with my food.

"Is anyone sitting here?" A voice says. I look up.


Alone At Last ~AyanoxTaroWhere stories live. Discover now