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"Kukui, can you see me??" A woman held her phone up to her face, hoping she was able to see her old friend on the video chat. "Kukuiiiii helloooo??"

"Ah, I'm sorry Ivory," a man on the video chat appeared on the screen, holding a Pokémon in his arms. "Rockruff was playing and running around and I got a bit distracted."

He grinned at her as the Pokémon in his arms made a sound of happiness.

"Have you finished packing?"

"Almost... Meowth has been helping up, along with the other Pokémon..." Ivory's expression turned gloomy, but she kept her smile.

"How's it been? Is your son still-"

"Yes..." Ivory let out a gentle sigh, "Its been almost 6 years now, but he hasn't been the same. I'm really hoping moving to Alola will help him..."

"I'm sure it will!" Kukui grinned, "New Pokémon, new people, new weather, it'll be great!"

She laughed at his enthusiasm, even when they were younger it always made her feel better, "Oh, Kukui, just so you know... he's being released tomorrow morning before we have to leave. The doctor was a little hesitant to let him leave tonight, so she moved it to tomorrow."

"I understand," Kukui softened his expression as Rockruff settled down in his arms. "I'll be sure to go slow for him so he doesn't lose his breath."

"Thank you, Kukui..."

"Ms Andrews?" A nurse appeared behind Ivory, "Visiting hours are almost over. Your son wants to see you before you have to leave."

Ivory turned towards the nurse,  "Ah, yes. Thank you," glancing back at her phone, she waited for the nurse to leave before she spoke to Kukui again. "I'll see you tomorrow. I have to leave now."

"Okay. Alola, Ivory!"

Ivory ended the video chat and put her phone in her pocket as a Meowth walked up to her.

"Mwror?" It looked up at her, wanting to be picked up. Ivory smiled and picked up the Pokémon, taking it with her to her the room her son was in.

"Hi sweetie," Ivory brushed Meowth's fur as she walked into the hospital room. A boy with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes was lying on the hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hi mom..." he said softly, looking at her and giving her a weak smile. Ivory knew he felt better than he did when he first came in, but she knew he was definitely bothered by something if he didn't have a big smile on his face.

"Do you need anything before I leave?"

"...Can Meowth stay with me?"

"Mreow!" Meowth kept from Ivory's arms and landed in the boy's, instantly curling up with him.

Ivory giggled, patting the Pokémon's head before running her fingers through her son's hair. "I think he wants to stay, so yes."

"Mhm..." the boy began closing his eyes, feeling exhausted and comfortable with Meowth in his lap.

"Goodnight, sweetheart..." Ivory kissed his forehead, and quietly walked out of the room. She stood outside the door for a few moments, before beginning to walk down the hallway.

"Tomorrow's the start of a new life for both of us..."

((A/N: TFS here! Alright, Sun and Moon has taken over as my favorite Pokémon games now. "Mysteries of Alola" will have a new oc instead of Alice, who's story is pretty much discontinued. I do want to write it again, but it's most likely not going to happen. This one, however, will not be because I have a lot more determination and less writers block. But there's now update schedule with the chapters, it's just whenever I feel like updating. I also write everything first in a notebook then transfer it here. See you guys in the first chapter~))


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