Chapter 1: Alola to the Alola Region!

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Ivory stood on a small porch in the side of the new house, breathing in the night air of the Alola region. Meowth stood beside her, letting out a yawn. It had been a long boat ride from Kanto to Alola, having been morning when they had left.

"Ahhh," She sighed happily, looking up at the moon, "The first evening under Alola's moon is nice and soothing, huh Meowth?"

"Meow!" The Pokémon replied.

"Well, now we've got to unpack the rest of these boxes. Will you go get Akihiro for me?"
((A/N: Akihiro's name is pronounced Ah-keer-row. The H is silent, but it looks nicer than just Akiro))

Meowth nodded, running into the house and into a bedroom. On the ground was a blue carpet that had a few different water type Pokémon on it. In the corner were two plush toys, a Ditto and a Pikachu. A small flatscreen was in the opposite corner, next to a closet. By a window with purple curtains there was a desk with a globe and a few scattered books on it. Meowth looked around, looking for Akihiro like his mother had asked, and soon found him asleep on top of his bed covers.

"Mreow!" Meowth jumped on the bed and began gently tapping the boy's face with his paw.

Akihiro's eyes soon fluttered open, and he rubbed his eyes as he sat up. He let out a loud yawn as he stretched his arms over his head.

"Meow!" Meowth jumped off the bed, having completed his "mission" and left the bedroom.

"Mm... and I was having a good dream, too..." Akihiro mumbled, standing up. His brunette bangs feel in front of his eyes, and he brushed them to the side. Soon, he followed Meowth and headed straight into the living room/kitchen. They were both connected, but he and his mother liked the small home.

Ivory walked in from the porch and smiled at her son. "You were out like a light, huh?" She laughed, "I can tell from the look on your face."

Akihiro gave his mother a sleepy smile, rubbing his eyes again, "Mhm... you'd think I'd be fully awake, too..." He replied, "But I'm still tired..."

"But you've gotta be awake to meet the new Alolan Pokémon!" Ivory smiled at him, "I can't wait to see them!"

"Me too," Akihiro yawned again, and as he did the doorbell rang.

"Ah! That must be Professor Kukui," Ivory said, heading to the door. 'Why would he be here so late...?' Akihiro wondered, 'I know Mom said he's an old friend, but wouldn't you wait til morning...?'

Before Ivory reached the door, Kukui let himself in. "Alola Ivory!" He grinned at her, "Been a while since we've seen each other in person, yeah?"

"Hello, Kukui!" Ivory replied as Akihiro walked over.

'...Why is he shirtless, yet has a lab coat on...?' He thought, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, this is my son I was telling you about. Akihiro, say hello!"


"Nice to meet you, cousin!" Kukui took Akihiro's hand and gave it a firm shake, much to the boy's discomfort. "Nice to meet you too..." Akihiro immediately let go of the Professor's hand, trying not to show he was uncomfortable, "Sorry... I'm still really tired."

"I understand. Alola is real far away from Kanto! It's still nighttime here, yeah!" Akihiro nodded. "Well, welcome to Alola! Now that you're settled in, let's head to the next town so you can meet the Island Kahuna and get yourself a Pokémon, yeah!"

Akihiro's eyes widened slightly, he felt really baffled by the Professor's statement. "What are you talking about...?" He looked back at his mom and she grinned.

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