Chapter 34 - Light -

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Kaimana stood in front of the gigantic beast, glaring at it. "Kaimana! Sparkling Aria!"


Akihiro stared up at Necrozma, both terrified and angry, as he watched it easily dodge Kaimana's attack. It let out a loud cry before attacking back, sending Kaimana down with one hit.

"Kaimana!" Akihiro rushed towards him, immediately grabbing his Poké Ball, "Shit... With just one hit?" He returned Kaimana to the Poké Ball, glancing at the rest of them, "Icarus! Be careful!"

He sent out the Beast Killer, hoping it could do much more damage. It glanced back at Akihiro, giving it a lot of confidence, before staring back at Necrozma.

"Icarus! I don't know what Disk will work the best with Necrozma! So try the Dark Disk and use Multi-Attack!!" He tossed the Dark Disk at Icarus, allowing it to change to the Dark Type, and went to attack Necrozma. It let out a loud cry as Icarus' claws dug into it, backing up slightly.

"Alright! It's weak to Dark moves! Again, Icarus!!"

Necrozma was relentless, doing everything in its power to keep its hold of Lunala and its light, though... it couldn't help but be distracted by the Z-Crystals and Z-Ring Akihiro wore. And it was angry. When Icarus went to attack it again, it shoved it to the ground it a fit of rage. It forced Icarus to stay down and looked straight at Akihiro, who was trembling.

'Oh no... no no please...' He began to panic, backing up slightly. Necrozma let out an earsplitting screech, forcing Akihiro to cover his ears. Zossie and Dulse looked up at the tower.

"Human of Alola..." Dulse mumbled, "Please... be careful... Necrozma is in pain..."

It continued to scream, and all Akihiro could do was keep his ears covered, until he looked up at Necrozma. It was ready to attack, and slashed wildly at Akihiro. He barely got out of the way in time, shouting to Icarus to see if it was alright. It stood back up when Necrozma released it.

"Icarus! Z-Move time!" Akihiro began to do the Z-Move dance for the Dark-Type, powering up Icarus' attack, "Let's go!!"

Necrozma got ready to attack, right when Icarus was charging for it. It swiftly dodged Necrozma's claws, using its Z-power to send it down. Necrozma cried out, it's large body losing it's luster as it fell to the ground of the tower. It became slowly emerged with light, small orbs floating and drifting away from it as Necrozma disappeared and Nebby regained its body.

"Lunalaaa!!" It shouted proudly, happy to have its body back. Akihiro fell to his knees, crying happily, and Icarus bounced over to him.

"Nebby... Oh God... I'm so, so sorry... I should've been able to protect you, I promised Lillie and I couldn't-"

"Luuu!" Nebby interrupted him, moving to let him pat it on the head to calm him down. It did not blame him for what happened.

"...Thank you... but... How will we... return our light to our world?"

Nebby motioned to one of the small orbs of lights, asking Akihiro to push it towards it. He gently reached out and pushed the ball of light to Nebby, watching as it pushed it lightly upwards, and it disappeared.

Back in Alola, Gladion, Phyco and Soliera were waiting for any sign of Akihiro's return, or for the return of Alola's light. Suddenly, in the darkness, they could see the balls of light begin drifting down towards all of them. They looked up at the sky, watching the light descend slowly, and Gladion reached out to touch one of them. The clouds of darkness in the sky began to clear, the warmth and light of the sun returning to them...

Alola's light had left the tower, having returned to the world it came from. Necrozma was no where to be seen, and Akihiro was confused as to where it could've gone. He held out Nebby's Master Ball, smiling up at it. Nebby let out a soft noise, happily returning to Ball. He held it close to his chest, not wanting to let go of it. Slowly, he attached it to his belt, patting Icarus gently on the head.

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