Chapter 32 - Necrozma -

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((As of writing this A/N/ when you guys see this I have midterms this week and oh lord I've been nervous all weekend...))

Akihiro stares at the two of them, "Necrozma... Can you describe how it looks...?"

"It's body is completely black," Soliera replied, "yet when sunlight shines on it, it glows. It's very prism-like in the shape of its body."

He looked at Gladion, "Do you have some paper and a pencil?"

"I mean, I can get some. Why?"

"Because that might've been what I saw in my vision..."

Gladion called Wicke to bring some paper and a pencil for Akihiro. The boy sat down immediately and began rapidly sketching. He wasn't an artist by no means, but he could at least try to draw what he had seen. When he was finished, he held it up to Phyco and Soliera. "Is this what it looks like...?"

They looked shocked, "How did you... Has Necrozma already visited you?!"

"No... but it's coming... And it's coming soon..." He looked up at the pair, "It's definitely trying to reach our world... Necrozma could've been the source of your problems earlier. That noise... maybe it was trying to stop you from warning us..." he let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair, "What can we do?"

"We... We aren't sure exactly. But... Perhaps if you returned with us to our world, maybe you could calm Necrozma..."

"Poi!" The floating creature agreed, and Soliera pat its head.

"...We'll... We'll have to get back to you on that..." Akihiro stood up and apologized for not giving an answer right away. He headed towards the entrance, Gladion soon following after him.

"Akihiro!" The two were outside, Akihiro kept staring down at the water, "Akihiro... what's wrong?"

"...Necrozma..." he mumbled, "Necrozma is the problem... This thing is much stronger than it looks, and that's saying a lot..."

"What do you mean?" Silvally and Icarus popped out of their Poké Balls, each sensing the discomfort and sadness with their trainers.

"I can just tell... in my vision, the way it looked at me... it looked ready to kill..." Icarus nuzzled its head against Akihiro's side, and he absentmindedly pat its head, "Gladion... everyone expects so much of me because I'm the Champion, because I've been through the Ultra Wormhole, because I stopped Lusamine from destroying Alola and the world..."

He looked up at Gladion, "I just... I'm afraid... I want to help them, but... I... I don't want to face Necrozma... It... It was terrifying when I saw that vision. And it's been happening more and more, the same vision just altered slightly. There was one... There was one that I saw that woke me up at 3 AM..."

"...What was it?"

"Necrozma... It attacked me, it attacked Hau, it attacked Lillie... and it attacked you... I couldn't stop it. I don't know if it was just a dream because of the visions that were getting more frequent, or if it was a vision that I can't change..." He let out a sigh, "Sorry... I know this is stupid-"

"No. No, it's not. Akihiro... Nebby can help us reach their world with them. We can stop Necrozma. Together."

Akihiro stared at him before laughing softly, "Have you been talking to Hau recently? Because that sounded so much like what he would say to me..."

Gladion laughed a little and held out his hand to Akihiro, "Listen, not only do we have our Pokemon, we have your Ultra Beasts to help us. We should tell Soliera and Phyco we'll help them." He took hold of Gladion's hand and the blond pulled him to his feet. They headed back inside and returned to Soliera and Phyco.

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