Chapter 13 - Ultra Wormhole? -

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((A/N: Extra long chapter for you all for putting up with my little "hiatus" there... Note: I've been playing Zelda and the Splatoon demo I'm so sorry for the wait lol
But you'll see this in the morning because I'm finishing this at like midnight))

Akihiro hummed to himself as he walked towards the Dimensional Research Lab. He had flown to the nearest Pokémon Center to shorten his trip. He had received a message from Kukui who wanted Akihiro to meet him there.

"G-Go Nebby!" He heard Lillie's voice, and he noticed her standing in front of the lab. "Use... use splash!"

"Pew?" Nebby stared at her, seeming confused. Lillie giggled.

"I was just acting like I was Akihiro..." She replied softly, "You... always seemed to get hurt, Nebby... that's why I never really liked Pokémon Trainers, or even thought that I would want to be one... But..."

She looked down at her feet.

"Whenever I see Akihiro and Hau... They look so happy and so do their Pokémon... It's like they've thrown open a door that's always been closed for me..."

Nebby looked up at her, before finally noticing Akihiro. "Pew!!" It begun to bounce towards him happily.

"Oh, hello Akihiro," Lillie greeted, blushing with embarrassment.

"Hi Lillie," He replied, "And hi to you too Nebby."


"How... were your trials?" She asked, picking up Nebby to put him in his bag.

"They were alright," He replied, "Rosemary evolved into Lycanroc, and I'm really proud of her. Oh, and after my second trial, we had a new member join our team."

He grabbed Esmerelda's Poké Ball and let her come out. "This is Esmerelda."

"Mud!" She called, trotting around Lillie happily.

"Hehe, what... what a cutie... oh! The professor of the Dimensional Research Lab is waiting for you inside... I was asked to tell you..." she quickly headed inside before him.

Akihiro followed her and headed to the elevator to the lab. Kukui was waiting for him when the doors opened.

"Alola!" He greeted, and turned around, "Honey!" He waved to a woman who was talking to Lillie.

"Oh, hi!" She walked over to them and held out her hand to Akihiro, "I'm Prof. Burnet! I run the Dimensional Research Lab."

"She's also my wife!" Kukui grinned, looking proud.

"You're Akihiro, correct?" Burnet asked as they shook hands, "Lillie's been telling me about you."

Her expression softened, but she kept her smile.

"Three months ago, I found Lillie lying on a beach. Cosmog, or Nebby, was also unconscious in her bag. Ever since then, she's been living with Kukui in his lab and she's like our little daughter~"

Lillie blushed, immediately feeling embarrassed.

"Is Hau not coming today?" Burnet asked, looking at Kukui.

"Hau's out doing his own thing. But one day he'll be the real deal. He could even become Kahuna, like ol' Hala."

"WHOA REALLY!!" Hau's excited shout filled the room, causing everyone to jump in surprise.

"Whoa-ho!" Kukui laughed, "Yeah I really do. But don't go surprising us like that."

"Hehe, sorry..."

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