Chapter 5 -Trial of Ilima -

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((Can I just say I love Team Skull so much they're literally a gang of dorks))

Hau and Lillie had taken off before Akihiro had. Hau wanted to meet at the malasada shop, and Lillie wanted to glance at a couple of dresses and shirts at a clothing shop, so he was by himself once again. He had stopped by the Pokémon Center to heal Rosemary from their battle with Ms. Emily, and now he was heading to meet Hau at the malasada shop. He looked towards the sea, noticing the sun was getting closer to the horizon.

"Guess who I saw loitering around the Marina again?" Akihiro could hear the man walking with a woman in front of him.

"Team Skull?"

"Yup. I reported it to Captain Ilima, he'll take care of them."

The woman sighed, "This is what happens when younger people have so much time on their hands... When will they stop with this nonsense..."

'Team Skull...?' Akihiro wondered, 'Who's that?' He shrugged, continuing down the path. Once he made it to the malasada shop, Hau greeted him outside.

"Hey Akihiro!" He waved and ran up to him, "I just finished some malasada with my Pokémon. Ahhh~ Such a great feeling when your stomach is full of food..."

Akihiro chuckled, "Sounds relaxing."

"Yeah! Hey, I'm gonna wait here for Lillie. But I heard that Team Skull was down by the Marina... I was gonna head down there and shout, but I guess maybe I'll grab some malasadas for the road instead..."

Akihiro decided to head down to the Marina to see if Team Skull was still there. But he only found Ilima standing down there. "Oh, Akihiro hello!" Ilima waved as Akihiro walked towards him, "What brings you here?"

"I heard Team Skull was around... I didn't hear about them before I got here..."

"Yo, yo, yo!" A voice yelled from behind them, causing them to turn around, "Whenever and wherever we meet you, Team Skull don't even greet you!!"

Two men walked up to them, their arms swinging in a "threatening" way. They had blue hair, bandanas around their faces, a hat that resembled a skull, a chain necklace around their throats, and their clothes were all black.

'...Tank tops and baggy pants...' Akihiro thought, '...That's not exactly... threatening...'

They slouched slightly, their arms curved at their hips. "Cap Ilima! Give us your Pokémon! You too kid!"

"So, Akihiro. How are you liking Alola so far?" Ilima completely ignored the two Team Skull members, much to their surprise.

"What?! Why you trying to ignore us! We hard as bone! You can't ignore us! Let's check these fools!"

Ilima sighed, "Akihiro, can you help me deal with these two thieves. I'll deal with the one on the right."

"Yes sir." Akihiro grabbed Kaimana's Poké Ball, tossing him out as the Team Skull member threw out a Zubat. "Alright Kaimana, use Water Gun!"

"Pop!"  Kaimana sprayed water at the Zubat, but being able to fly the Zubat dodged it.

"Aight Zubat! Astonish!"

The Zubat turned around, much to Kaimana's confusion, before quickly turning towards him and swooping down to attack. Kaimana backed away slightly, trying to shake off the suddenness of the attack.

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