Chapter 4 - Rotom's Picture -

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The first three trainers had been fairly easy to beat. The fourth, however, was a bit more challenging. For one, the boy had refused to have a battle with him until Akihiro had beaten the other three trainers. Each gave him a word that he would have to tell to the boy so he knew Akihiro had beaten the other three. But before he could take on the other boy, he needed to let his Pokémon rest at the Pokémon center next to the school. And even then the boy was challenging to beat. Akihiro, however, got to see what an Alolan Grimer looked like, so in the end, he felt great.

Now that he had beaten the other four trainers, it was time for him to talk to the teacher. However, it was around 1 o'clock and he and his Pokémon decided to take a food break before going to talk to her. Lillie was with them too.

"I wonder what she'll have me do when I see her..." Akihiro took a bite of his granola bar he had packed earlier before setting out food for Kaimana and Rosemary.

"Maybe she has another student for you to battle?" Lillie suggested, giving Nebby some food in the bag.


"Either way, I'm really excited to start my first trial..."

"Lio!" "Ruff!" His two Pokémon seemed excited as well. He rubbed their heads, smiling at them. He then stood up slowly, trying not to get dizzy from blood rushing to his head.

"Hey, Rotom?" The Pokémon in his Dex popped up, "What's it like being in my PokéDex all the time? Don't you want to come out for a bit?"

"I love it!" The Pokémon replied, "It'zzz fun being in here! Maybe another time I'll come out!"

"Heh, okay. Just checking." Lillie giggled as Kaimana and Rosemary finished their food and walked up to Akihiro. "You're ready?" He grabbed their Poké Balls and had them return into them.

"Alright, Lillie, we'll see you after we talk to the Teacher."

"Okay. See you later."


Akihiro headed back into the school, walking up the stairs to the second floor. He went slow to not lose his breath. At the top, he didn't feel any different, so he figured he was okay. He found the teacher waiting for him at the top next to the second flight of stairs.

"Akihiro!" She smiled at him, "Have you beaten all my students?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Great! Now all that's left is for me to battle you myself! Are you ready?"

Akihiro nodded, grabbing Rosemary's Poké Ball. Kaimana had started in his last battle, he felt it would be better for Rosemary to start this time.

"Alright! Here we go!" The teacher threw out a Poké Ball, letting out a Magnemite, while Akihiro sent out Rosemary.

'Okay... Since Rosemary is a rock type, electric moves won't hurt her too much...'

"Magnemite, use Tackle!"

"Dodge and use Crunch!"

The Magnemite was took quick for Rosemary and immediately attacked, forcing her to fall backwards. She got up quickly and shook her body, before running up to bite the Magnemite. It flinched when Rosemary backed away, with an opening for another attack.

"Now use Tackle!"

"Awoooo!" Rosemary let out a howl as she pounced on the Magnemite.

"Magnemite! Thunder shock!"

Rosemary immediately backed away and dodged the electricity. "Once more!" Akihiro shouted, "Tackle!" She ran up towards the other Pokémon again, aiming to send it down immediately. When she came down on the Magnemite, it had tried to shock her again, but she pushed through it and sent it down to the ground. It had fainted.

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