Chapter 2: Festival of the Guardian

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"KO-KO-KO!!" Akihiro opened his eyes at the strange sound, he had never heard anything like it. There was a strange looking Pokémon coming towards him. It grabbed a hold of him and carried him back to the ground where the girl was. She looked relieved, yet amazed to see the strange Pokémon. It stared at Nebby before erupting a cry and flying away. Akihiro watched it fly away before releasing Nebby, who happily went to the girl.

"Oh thank goodness!" She said to Nebby as Akihiro stood up. "You tried using your power again, didn't you? Nebby, the last time you did that you couldn't move for ages after, I don't wish to see you like that again..."

'Again...?' Akihiro thought as Nebby moved from the girl over to something sparkling on the ground. It picked up the item on the ground and handed it to the girl. She stared at it before turning to Akihiro.

"Oh... Please forgive me. I'm so grateful to you for helping us out..."

"It was no problem," Akihiro replied, "But... Who are you?"

"...I think this belongs to you." Instead of answering him, she handed the stone to him. He stared at it, wondering what it was, before putting it in his pocket.

"Um... please don't tell anyone that you saw Nebby..." She fiddled with her fingers, "It's... a secret, okay?"

"Sure..." Akihiro replied, a bit confused. 'She seems to be protecting "Nebby", so I think it'll be okay...' Nebby hopped back into the bag the girl carried.

"Um... Do you mind... seeing us back to town?"



Back in Iki Town, the pair found Kukui waiting for them. "Oh! I see you've met my assistant, Akihiro!"

"Assistant??" He looked back at the girl, who nodded.

"Yes... you can call me Lillie..."

"Akihiro. Nice to, formally, meet you."

As they were talking, a man with tan skin, gray hair tied up, and a blue shirt with a yellow flower-print "coat" over it walked up to them.

"Have I missed something?" He asked, looking at Kukui.

"Nah," Kukui replied, "But where'd you go off to, Kahuna? I thought we would meet here."

"When there's a problem on the Island, it's a Kahuna's duty to resolve it. Oh, Lillie, I thought I saw Tapu Koko flying about. Did you manage to see it?"

Lillie nodded, "Yes, Kahuna Hala. Nebby was being attacked by Spearow on the Plank Bride, and this boy, Akihiro, helped save him. But then the bridge collapsed, and Tapu Koko came to save them!"

'So, this is the Kahuna, Hala, and that Pokémon was Tapu Koko...' Akihiro thought, 'That explains the noise it made, it sounded close to its name. That was the guardian of this island...'

"Our Tapu Koko is a rather fickle creature," Hala explained, "But our guardian was moved to save you... Kukui, I think we have a cause to celebrate!" He clapped his hands together, looking at Akihiro with pride. "And I think I know just how to celebrate!"

He took three Pokéballs out of his pocket and released the three Pokémon inside. Akihiro's eyes widened with curiosity, being 16 and seeing starter Pokémon for the first time was a bit strange but he felt a sudden urge of excitement.

"I'm going to entrust you with one of these Pokémon, as I heard from Kukui you were planning to go on the Island Challenge, and what better way to start with a starter Pokémon!"

Akihiro looked back and forth between the three Pokémon as Hala explained which was which. He learned all three names, Rowlet, Litten and Popplio, and would have to choose one.

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