Chapter 10 - Trial of Lana -

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Akihiro stopped at the Pokémon Center to let his Pokémon rest, and then he was on his way to the next trial. He entered Brooklet Hill and found a girl with short blue hair dressed in a white tank top and long blue pants with a wave pattern.

"Hi, I'm Lana. I'm the captain of Brooklet Hill," She greeted, "Could I ask you for your help?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Follow me please."

Akihiro followed Lana through the pathways, watching the sun glint off the water. When the reached the end of the path, there was a small lake in front of them and tiny splashing in the water.

"See that vigorous splashing? I think there's a fearsome Pokémon causing it..."

"...Those splashes are tiny-"

"Or even some handsome swimmer in need of rescuing..." her cheeks grew pink, and a daydreaming-like expression formed, "Trainer, can you go check it out for me? Oh, but I'm not asking you to swim out there, I'll give you a gift. Hand me your Ride Pager please."

She typed something into Akihiro's Ride Pager and called for a Pokémon. Soon, a Lapras appeared with a place for Akihiro to sit on.

"When you call a Lapras, they'll come to you and allow you to climb atop them and swim in the water. You can reach whatever's making those splashes now!"

"Lap!" The Pokémon called, motioning him to climb on top of her.

"Thank you Lapras." He climbed into the seat, directing Lapras over to the splashing, and several fish-type Pokémon immediately fled while one remained.

"Wish!" It cried, panicking.

"Ooooh a Wishiwashi!" Rotom called, "Thezzzze little fish aren't really dangerouzzz, at least by themselvezzz they're not..."

"Oh!" Lana called, "So it was Wishiwashi causing this ruckus?"


"Akihiro look! There's more giant splashes!"

He let out a sigh and got off Lapras, heading down another pathway to head to the next little lake. "Did the sky get a little darker?" He shook it off and continued to the next lake, noticing Lana had beat him here.

'How the hell did she get here first..?'

"Look! More splashing over there! Oh, I never got your name..."


"Akihiro, nice name. Check that other splash please. It's much larger than the other one."

"'s really not but okay..."

He called for another Lapras and got close to the splash, only to find another Wishiwashi. The second he noticed it, it swam off and suddenly began to rain.

"What the... It wasn't even really cloudy out..."

"Another Wishiwashi huh? Hey! There's more splashing down here! Follow me!"

'I'm sensing a pattern... is this part of the Trial?'

Akihiro got off Lapras and followed Lana down the last pathway and walked through a Trial Gate. 'Oh.'

"You know, it's said that in Brooklet Hill, the legendary Pokémon Kyogre resides here."

"That's not true..."

"Aw man you won't be tricked as easily as other Trial goers... Well, Akihiro, now that you've passed through the Gate, now you must defeat the Totem Pokémon know as the lord of the Ocean! Swim out on Lapras to find the Totem Pokémon near that splashing!"

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