Chapter 20 - Beasts Run Wild -

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Past the elevator waited 3 Aether Employees and Faba, back for more fighting. Akihiro felt his blood boiling, and he tried his best to contain his anger.

"My, my... What naughty children..." Faba sighed, shrugging, "Lay down your heads." He let out a laugh. "I could see through every action you'd take. Since you were going to see the president, I chose to ambush you here and remedy my previous failure-"

"Shut up!" Akihiro shouted, "Open the door now!" He took a step forward, causing the employees to take a step back.

"What? Are you afraid of him?" Faba muttered, "He's just a child!"

"You should be really afraid of me," Akihiro replied, narrowing his eyes at him, and took another step closer, "I nearly burnt those Employees behind you... can't you see the marks on their clothing...?"

Gladion grabbed the boy by his shirt, pulling him back, "You'll need that anger later," He mumbled to him, "Save it for Lusamine."


"Mr. Faba, you have the key to the president's rooms, right?" Hau asked.

"Of course I do child!"

Hau began laughing, "Hahaha, if you had stayed hidden we would've been stuck here anyways!"


Two employees stepped forward, "T-Teach them a lesson!" Hau and Gladion took care of the first two, while Akihiro took care of Faba. Well... more like his Pokémon took care of Faba's and then Akihiro nearly tried to punch him. While the employees ran, Faba knew he had no where to go.

"Faba, give me. The key," Akihiro growled, "You've. Lost."

Faba shook with anger, and begrudgingly handed Akihiro the key. Gladion quickly swiped it and unlocked the gates as quickly as possible before rushing forward. Akihiro and Hau followed behind, watching Gladion rush through Team Skull grunts towards Guzma, who stood in his way to Lusamine's room.

"Whoa!" Hau looked around, "There's like an uku billion Team Skull thugs here!"

"Hau, take care of that one, I'll take care of the other two." Akihiro rushed forward to face two more skull grunts, and could see Gladion fighting Guzma. Akihiro let out two of his Pokémon and the fight began, while Hau in the background was laughing at the grunt he was facing. His Pokémon fell asleep and refused to wake up.

"Ozul! Kaimana! Finish them off!"

The two Pokémon collaborated and combined their moves to finish their battle, and the two grunts stared at each other before moving aside. Akihiro could see Gladion on his knees, his body shaking.

"I'm still... not strong enough..." He said softly, "All those days I struggled alone and lonely... it was all for nothing...?"

Guzma laughed, until Akihiro came forward and stood in front of Gladion. He glanced at Akihiro, and neither spoke. Guzma broke their silence.

"The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!" He looked at Gladion, "I did that spoiled brat a favor and crushed him... I kinda liked you kid, leaving home and wanting to get stronger. It was impressive. But now," he looked at Akihiro, "Its your turn!"

"Akihiro," Gladion grabbed his arm, his voice was too quiet, "I defeated two of his Pokémon... You only have to beat two..."

Guzma sent out Golisopod, Akihiro let Ozul out. "Ozul quick! Shadow Claw then Thunderbolt!"

"Dodge and then use Razor Shell!"

Ozul immediately rushed towards the large Pokémon, determination in his eyes, and scratched wildly at the Golisopod. It cried out in pain and threw Ozul off of it. "Ozul!"

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