Chapter 25 - Nebby is Yours -

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((So for those wondering about my last chapter, I did figure out what I want to do. Ultra Sun and Moon will be included in this, you'll figure out when and how
Also I️ just finished Ultra Moon story mode, holy shit was it good... I'm so sad it's over (I'm playing it again though lmao) ))

When Nebby finally stopped moving, Lillie and Akihiro found themselves in a strange new world. Rotom popped up, looking around as the two jumped off Nebby's back.

"Zzzt... my database..." Rotom was quiet, processing the information he was given, "Sayzzz thizzz place... izzz Ultra Space..."

"Ultra Space...?" Lillie repeated, looking around. Crystals reflected the darkness and what little light was in the world. "It's... much more beautiful than I expected..."

Akihiro was kneeling, clutching at his chest, "fuck..." He was wheezing a little, "The air is so thick... it hurts to breathe..."

Lillie kneeled beside him, gently rubbing his back, "Are you going to be okay, Akihiro?" She asked, helping him stand up.

"Hopefully... Let's do this as quick as possible..."

Nebby stayed where it was, knowing it would pull them out if needed. The two headed through the small pathway. They looked around, noticing Ultra Beasts like the one that appeared in Aether Paradise were everywhere. That wasn't the only thing though...

"I'm the Team Skull Boss, and I ain't been scared of nothing or nobody..." Guzma's voice called out to them. He was sitting on one of the large crystals, "Hell, I live my life making people scared of ME! So listen to what I gotta say..." he hopped off of his crystal and stared at them, "Y'all are stupid!"

He walked up to them, Akihiro noticed he had a bit of a limp, "How the fuck did you even get here?"

"That doesn't matter," Akihiro replied, "Either way we're here now."

Guzma sighed, shaking his head, "It's all dark here, and I got no clue what's going on... Beasts are everywhere... I tried to catch one... but..." They noticed the fear that was on his face, even if it was for only a second. "I went right through it, and that fucker attacked me... I was fucking possessed!! My body and mind... everything went wild and I couldn't do a damn thing about it!!" His body started shaking, "I felt fear, and it was fucking terrifying!"

Akihiro glanced at Lillie, noticing her sympathetic look, "I... I'm sorry Guzma..." It was quiet, but he heard her. Guzma turned around, "I may be the Team Skull Boss, never been scared of nothing... but that damn lady... She's too far gone. She lost her mind over this shit! Ya can't reason with her..."

"No!" Lillie shouted at him, "I still have to try! I have to make her understand!" She ran past him, towards a large open area. There was no one there, just faint light and the crystals around them. Akihiro followed her, only stopping when 5 Ultra Beasts appeared to them. Lillie backed up slightly, but watched as they formed a straight line down to a rock in the center. Each disappeared, until the last one moved towards the rock and reappeared with Lusamine. She was smiling, it was unsettling.

"Look at this world... The world of My Ultra Beasts..." She was quiet, and her smile suddenly disappeared, "A world where the only thing that exists is the love between Nihilego and Myself..."

Her expression changed, darkening.

"How DARE you continue to pester me! I am sick of you! Sick through and through! You were not told to come here, to the beautiful world of my Beasts and I!"

Akihiro looked towards the Ultra Beast, 'Nihilego... that's what these things are called...?' He thought, before returning his attention to Lusamine.

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