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Akihiro couldn't help laughing as Gladion tried to get Uxie to stop levitating him, shouting about wanting to be back on solid ground. Azelf floated beside him, eating a berry it had found earlier in a tree. The three lake guardians had grown fond of the blond and enjoyed teasing him during the week they had stayed in Sinnoh. Gladion actually had captured a couple Pokémon, a Cranidos, a Monferno, and a Luxio.

Each of them had such a good personality for Gladion, and the Luxio's mane was so soft that he would fall asleep if he pat it for too long. "Alright Uxie," Akihiro had called, "it's time to set him down. He's not a height person." On command Uxie set Gladion down carefully and giggled, floating over to Akihiro.

"Thank you... Holy shit please don't let them do that again..." Gladion sat beside him, leaning his head on Akihiro's shoulder, "I had zero control in that time..."

"I know. But you have to admit it was funny."

"Don't push your luck, Akihiro..."

They had spent the week relaxing, meeting new people and Pokémon, and helping anyone who needed it. It was a relaxing time, and they both were going to miss it. But they had to go to Kanto, Akihiro had said it at least twice a day, he wanted Gladion to see something.


"We're almost there..." Akihiro had slowed a bit, Gladion couldn't really understand at first, but as he looked around he understood.

Icarus and Silvally walked by their Trainers' sides, both a bit confused until Akihiro stopped in front of a headstone.

"...Here..." He was quiet, slowly sitting down on the ground beside the grave, "This is where I wanted to take you..."

The two were in front of a small lake, a single grave was a few feet away from the water, surrounded by all sorts of flowers. Gladion sat beside him, as did the two Pokémon, and he stayed silent.

"...This is my dad's grave. He died just before I turned 10..." Akihiro said softly, his fingers gently grazing the stone, "He asked to be buried here because it's where him and my mom first met..."

"...How did he die...?" Gladion asked, "If it's alright that I ask...?"

"He had a couple health issues... And eventually he just couldn't keep fighting and passed away. It did a huge number on me..." he leaned his head on Gladion's shoulder, taking a deep breath. "I know you can't actually meet him but... I thought you should at least, y'know..."

Gladion smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "I know... Thank you for taking me here..."

"Thank you for coming..."

They sat in silence, watching the calm water as a couple different Pokémon swam through it. Gladion smiled as Icarus and Silvally began playing together, moving around the sand and water. "Akihiro, look-"

Gladion looked down to see the boy sound asleep on his shoulder. He watched as Akihiro's chest rose up and down slowly, noticing how peaceful he looked. "...I love you..." He mumbled, wrapping an arm around his waist.

Silvally and Icarus continued to play, blissfully unaware of their trainers slowly drifting off for a bit of sleep.

((A/N: And thus ends Pokemon: Mysteries of Alola! Stay tuned for the next A/N to talk about upcoming stories and other shit that I have planned!!))

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