Chapter 17 - Final Team Members -

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The next day, Akihiro woke up feeling a bit... off, so to speak. His latest vision was making him a little nervous, but he proceeded on to his next Trial Site. Acerola had Kukui leave a message with Rotom for him to head to the Aether House. She had a trial captain open the barricades for him and he was on his way, with Ophelia and Esmeralda out and walking/floating with him. Though, right as he got through the barricade, he heard Hapu call out to him.

"Akihiro! Just the person I was lookin' for!" She grinned at him, walking up with Mudsdale. Esmeralda immediately bounced towards Mudsdale, though she did try to see intimidating to it.


The Mudsdale stared at her, then back at Hapu. "Listen, if you're gonna travel about Ula'ula, you really oughta do it astride a Mudsdale. I can register one for ya one your Ride Pager, though, you could wait for Esmeralda to evolve-"

"Mudbray!" Esmeralda cried to Hapu, quickly shaking her head, "Mud! Mudbray!"

"Huh, lemme see if I get this right, you don't like the idea of evolving?" Hapu kneeled down to her height, noticing fire in Esmeralda's eyes. She grinned, "Well, Akihiro, do you got yourself an Everstone? Cause this little one's got the same fire in her eyes since the first time I saw her look at Mudsdale!"

"I don't, do you?" He asked, gently grabbing her collar, "But I think I can attach one here."

"I bought one for ya, just in case. And while ya do that, I'll register Mudsdale in your Ride Pager."

Akihiro took the Everstone from her, smiling as he fitted it into her collar. He placed it back around her neck as she bounced around happily, and Ophelia began laughing softly.

"Ghast! Ghastly!"

Hapu laughed, handing him his Ride Pager back, "You've got some great Pokémon, Akihiro," She said, "I wish you all good luck on your adventure."


The area before Tapu Village was a bit small, but rather cozy. Akihiro smiled upon entry.

"Akihiro!" He heard Hau's voice call out behind him, so he turned and looked. "I heard you helped Sophocles test his Totem Calling machine! Cool! I was test subject number 2!"

"Yeah, we were in the dark for a little," Akihiro replied, "Actually, I should introduce you to Ophelia." The Ghastly peeked from behind him, "She's a bit shy and wary, but she's really sweet." He held out a Rainbow Poké Bean to her, and she immediately gobbled it up.

"She's so cute!" Hau shouted happily, scaring Ophelia a little.

"You only have one volume, don't you?" The cold voice of Gladion cut their conversation as he walked down from the inn next to them. "Have you never heard that silence is golden?"

"Ah! It's Gladion!"

Gladion rolled his eyes, staring mainly at Akihiro. "Listen well, Team Skull is looking for a Pokémon called Cosmog." Akihiro's eyes widened, and Gladion seemed to notice. "Do you know something?"

"I-If we did we wouldn't tell you!" Hau shouted, trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"It's not me you need to keep information from me," he glared at Hau, "But Cosmog isn't a strong Pokémon, it's the ability it has that makes it dangerous in the wrong hands. So whatever you two know about it, you'd better keep it safe."

He looked at Akihiro, "I'm counting on the two of you to protect it."

"Why should we trust you! You-You're a part of Team Skull too! You'll tell them-"

"Hau enough," Akihiro finally said, holding up his hand, "Go check out the Malasada shop if there's one here and relax. If not, go to the cafe in the Pokémon Center."

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