Chapter 27 - Champion of Alola -

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Akihiro awoke around 2 PM, confused as to where he was. He glanced around at his surroundings, recognizing he was in the Pokémon Center, and stretched his limbs. He let out a soft yawn and got himself ready to take on the League.

Nebby's Master Ball began shaking, Akihiro could tell it wanted to move around. "Not now, Nebby," He said, patting it, "You're too big to move around in the Pokémon Center." It stopped shaking.

He exited his room with his belongings, running a hand through his hair to make it somewhat presentable. He thanked Nurse Joy for the room and for healing his Pokémon and headed for the door. He saw no trace of Gladion, though he knew the boy must've been the one to bring him there. He'd have to thank him later. He grabbed a quick snack from his backpack, a chocolate chip granola bar, and headed out into the cold.

"Akihiro!!" Hau was running up to him, and the second he turned around the boy flung his arms around Akihiro. "Gladion told me what happened! Are you okay?!"

"Hau I'm fine," Akihiro pat him on the back, he looked like he was about to start sobbing, "See look. I'm not pale, I'm breathing just fine, and I'm heading for the League now."

Hau let go of him, rubbing at his eyes, "You promise?"

"I promise."

Hau began smiling again, "Good. I wanted to wish you good luck before you headed in. I'll see you after you win!"

"Hehe, thanks Hau. I'll buy you a couple malasadas when I come back out."

"Alright!" He took off happily, though Akihiro could see him drooling slightly when he mentioned Malasadas. He laughed, shaking his head.

'He's gonna turn into a malasada one of these days...' he thought. He began walking up the pathway, looking at the large building in front of him. He noticed Kukui standing in front, his back turned to him. Kukui turned to face him, grinning.

"How the fuck are you up here without a shirt?" Akihiro called, walking up to him, "You're not cold?"

"Nah I'm fine! My soul burns hotter than a Blast Burn!"

"If you say so..."

"You know, Mount Lanakila is where we've always finished up the Island Challenge. We built the League here as close to heavens to honor the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala..."

Akihiro glanced at the Master Ball in his pocket, gently reaching towards it. He held it out to Kukui, "What Pokémon's in there, Yeah?"

"Lunala," Akihiro gently raises it up, allowing the Pokémon to spread its wings, "Actually, Nebby."

"Lunaaaa!" Nebby floated above Akihiro, moving around and getting used to its new size.

"That's Nebby??"

"Yeah. Although I won't let it battle just yet... Not until its used to its power. Instead, it's just here for the ride like Fauna."

Kukui grinned, shaking his hand, "I wish you luck, cousin. Make sure you're prepared, you won't be allowed to come out unless you win or give up!"

Akihiro followed him in, putting Nebby back into its Master Ball, and looked around at his surroundings. There were four rooms, each with a symbol above the door representing the type of Pokémon each trainer used. The room itself glowed with a few different colors of the gemstones on the walls, it was breathtaking.

"In every Pokemon League, there are four excellent trainers called the Elite 4 you have to beat. In Alola, we have the same thing. You have to win your way past all of them to advance to the Champion's Room!" He pointed to the spot they were standing on, "When you beat all four, this'll start to glow, and you can get to the Champion's Room! Good luck, Akihiro!"

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