Chapter 26 - The Road to Victory -

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Nanu had seen him off to entrance of Tapu Village, but no further. That confused Akihiro, as he had assumed Nanu would be a part of the Elite Four being a Kahuna and all. It didn't help that Nanu wouldn't answer his questions either. He let out a yawn, during their time in Ultra Space, time moved much quicker than he was used to and now it was around 10 AM in Alola. He debated on going to nap first, maybe just a quick one, but decided against it. He simply grabbed himself a soda at the Pokémon Center's Café while Nurse Joy healed his Pokémon.

He also put on a jacket he had in his backpack because there was "no way in hell" as he had muttered to himself he was going up on that mountain without proper clothing. Once he was prepared, he thanked Nurse Joy and headed out to the path. At the base of the mountain was an elevator, though it currently was coming down instead of already being there. A smile formed when he saw who stepped off it.

"I've been waiting for you," Gladion said, walking towards the boy, "I wanted to thank you for what you did for Lillie and our mother... I appreciate it more than you may know..."

"You're welcome," Akihiro replied, grinning at him, "I'm glad I got to help you all."

"Akihiro... I want to battle you right here, right now. It's my way of saying thanks. I'm going to battle using my full power. Old Hala gave me a Z-Ring."

He let out a laugh, "That was mean, just call him Hala."

"Yeah yeah, are we gonna battle or not?" Gladion released his Crobat, watching Akihiro reach for his Poké Balls.

"Yeah. Rosemary, let's go!"

The Lycanroc quickly popped out of her Poké Ball, grinning at Gladion's Crobat. "Daemyn! Use  Acrobatics!"

"Dodge and use Rock Slide!"

Rosemary just narrowly avoided Daemyn's attack, and responded by striking back immediately. With Rock Slide being super effective, his Crobat went down immediately. Akihiro glanced at Gladion to find a smirk on his face as he tossed another Poké Ball. Out came his Lucario.

"Oh, a Lucario?"

"Yeah, his name is Atlas."

Atlas glanced at Rosemary, taking note of the advantage in battle. "Lucario."

"Lycan, Lycanroc..." Rosemary backed up slightly, though not in fear, Akihiro noticed. He could see her cheeks lighting up pink, and a grin was plastered on his face.

"Rosemary! Use Crunch and make him flinch! Then use Stealth Rock!"

She glanced back at him, noticing the look he gave her and nodded. Rosemary rushed forward and jumped to make Atlas flinch. At the same time she was using her surrounds to use Stealth Rock in a different way. Atlas braced himself for the attack and used his aura manipulation to keep himself from flinching. Though he couldn't predict what the Stealth Rock was going to do. Rosemary jumped back, making the rocks move towards herself and confusing both Atlas and Gladion.

The rocks formed to a mini flower-like shape, and Rosemary held it out to Atlas. "Ly, Lycanroc," Akihiro held in his laughter, he didn't want to embarrass her. Atlas tilted his head, taking the rocks from her. He stared at her for a moment before patting her head.

"Aww look Rosemary likes Atlas~" Akihiro giggled, "I don't think she'll really battle..."

Atlas moved out of the way, Rosemary followed him. "Lucario," He began moving a couple rocks around himself.

Gladion sighed, "Alright..." he grabbed another Poké Ball and let out a Weavile, "Let's go Wallace!"


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