Chapter 23 - The Moon Flute -

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((Spoilers to the game but like
I've seen no one asking this. With the introduction to Ultra Wormholes being able to be explored, do we not get to find Mohn...? Like yes he's on Poké Palaego in SUMO but like... I wanna find him in USUM?? Idk man lmao))

Akihiro and Lillie stopped by the Pokémon Center, wanting something light and easy before they went to get the Moon Flute. Akihiro sighed happily, he had been feeling a bit lightheaded since there was nothing in his stomach, but he felt much better now. He took a sip of his Roserade Tea, his cheeks lighting up pink from the warmth of it.

"Thanks for stopping with me," He said, turning to face Lillie, "I kinda need the strength after yesterday..." he laughed softly, seeming unaffected by the attack he had.

"You're welcome," She said, smiling, "Glad you're feeling a little better."

"Me too."

They headed out of the Center, Akihiro was riding on a Tauros again to give himself a break, and headed towards the chief. When they saw him, he gave them a friendly wave. "Well? Did you find Hapu?"

"Uh huh!" Lillie nodded, "She's the new Kahuna of Poni Island!"

"Oh ho! Is that so? Well, her old grandfather must be smiling down on us."

"Hapu told us to come to you," Akihiro explained, "We need you to get us to Exeggutor Island."

"Exeggutor Island...? Oh, where the Moon Flute is!" He grinned at them, "I can get you there of course! You're ready now?"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright! Let's set sail!"


There were clouds over the small island, but nothing too concerning. The two got startled by an Alolan Exeggutor pretending to be a palm tree, but it meant them no harm. It simply wanted to play, Lillie hid behind Akihiro, watching as the boy pat it. She watched him laugh as it lifted him up a little, he had asked not too high but they had a little fun before they went to get the Flute. They waved to it and carried on towards the higher part of the Island. However, they soon felt rain dropping on them, and headed for a nearby cave to wait it out.

"Akihiro..." Lillie was quiet, but seemed to be enjoying the soft rain, "You know, one time when I was little, I saw a man dancing in the rain in a movie..." she looked up to the sky, "I had to try it for myself. My mother saw me and was so shocked that she ran outside right after I did, completely forgetting an umbrella."

She smiled, "Then... she smiled, and danced with me in the rain. Of course we both ending up catching a cold, and let me sleep with her in her big bed... I kept waking her again and again, just so I knew it wasn't a dream... I was so happy..."

Her smile disappeared, "then... she changed... all she thought about was the Ultra Beasts... and Null, and Nebby..." she rubbed at her eyes, "They suffered so much, and I couldn't do anything..."

Akihiro stayed quiet, listening to her story. He was sitting on the ground, looking up at her.

"But, whenever I feel like there's nothing I can do, you show up and... do something. Like... When we first met. Nebby was being attacked, and I could just look in horror... You've shown me it's possible to do something..." she looked down at him, "And like at Aether Paradise yesterday, I could only wait for you all to save me..."

"Friends are there for each other," He said, tracing shapes with his finger in the dirt, "Don't worry about it, okay?"

She was silent, only staring at him for a few moments before starting again "What... do you plan to do once you finish your Island Challenge?"

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