Chapter 18 - Po Town -

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Akihiro let out a sigh, he was expecting a little bit of rest before heading to the Kahuna, instead when he got back to the Aether House with Acerola, Team Skull had returned and taken one of the younger children's Yungoos. The two were sobbing, clearly upset from the loss of their friend. He had to have his two new teammates, Ozul and Fauna, cheer them up. He had another run in with Plumeria, who said that if he wanted the Pokémon to return to the kid, he'd have to go to Po Town, alone.

"That's not fair!" Hau was angrily chomping down on a malasada, "Akihiro going to Po Town by himself has to be a trap!"

"These people don't play fair, Hau," Akihiro replied, leaning against the wall, "It's normal."

"Po Town, huh..." Acerola bit her lip, "That town has become Team Skull's private playground... Route 15's your fastest way to get there, okay? Look for a man wearing a kimono and he'll help you get there."

Akihiro nodded and glanced at the two kids, "Ozul, back in your Poké Ball. You too Fauna. We're heading out." When the two were safe in their Poké Balls, Akihiro waved to his friends and headed out. He let out a sigh, 'These damn numbskulls...' he thought, heading towards the beach. There was a man with black hair wearing a white kimono and staring at the ocean. He seemed to hear Akihiro approach and turned around.

"You actually bothered coming to this sad old place...?" He asked, though he was smiling. "Hmm... I will flip a coin. Will it be heads or tails...?"

"...Neither." Akihiro felt he didn't have time for this, so he didn't take it seriously. The man flipped the coin, and when he caught it, he laughed, "You are correct. I had intended to let a Wingull take it mid air. Allow me to reward you. Your Ride Pager please."

Akihiro rolled his eyes, handing him the Ride Pager. He smiled, typing something into it before handing it back to him. "Sharpedo is the new Pokémon. Use it well." He walked away slowly, not even saying goodbye.

Akihiro headed towards the water and called for a Sharpedo. He smiled when it arrived, patting it's head gently. "Hehe, thanks for the ride friend," He said, hoping on, "Let's go!"


Riding atop a Sharpedo was much rougher than Lapras, but Akihiro was alright despite it. He wasn't at Po Town, instead outside it. It was raining, so he had his umbrella for cover. He walked to the two grunts guarding the door to Po Town. They refused to let him in, having noticed his Z-Ring, and headed inside.

"You there..." a quiet voice called out from behind him, "You're planing on entering Po Town... You don't look like a part of Team Skull..."

"I'm not," He replied, "I'm here to get back a Pokémon they stole."

"Interesting... Listen, I'll get them to let you in. So have fun dealing with them..."

The rain inside Po Town's walls seemed much heavier than outside, Akihiro felt really cold but had nothing besides his umbrella for cover, so he had to deal with it. In the middle of the road was a barricade much like the Trial Captain ones. But instead there was spray paint of the Team Skull logo and two grunts standing behind it.

"Huh? What's this numbskull doing here?" One asked, squinting at him.

"Get that out of my way and take me to your boss. Otherwise my Pokémon will take care of you." He tapped on Ozul's and Ophelia's Poké Ball and the two burst out, each making intimidating faces. The two grunts immediately panicked. "Y-Yo! Ca-Call them off! We'll take you to Boss!"

They immediately moved the barricade and led him towards the mansion in the back, making other grunts move. They brought them inside and led him to the room Guzma was in.

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