Chapter 30 - Letters to Lillie

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Dear Lillie,
I wanted to write to you to see how you and mother were doing. I know it's been a while since my last letter, running Aether while you two are away is... difficult to say the least. But, don't worry, Wicke has been helping me and she takes a lot of the pressure off. And, about the Ultra Beasts problem I mentioned last time, don't worry, Akihiro has been keeping them in check. So far, he's gained the trust of all but the Guzzlord and the Xurkitree. He's had more luck with the Xurkitree, it's easier to reach in height. The Celesteela, the large green one in one of the pictures he sent, warmed up to him immediately, he was terrified the entire time. Besides that, everything's been going well. I challenged Akihiro for the Champion Seat, I lost. I was disappointed, but I'm going to surpass him one day. I will wait to hear from you.
Love, Gladion

Hi Lillie!
I told you I'd write you a long letter! But... I broke it down into a couple. That's easier... anyways, guess what? I rode a Tauros the other day with Tutu!! He had me ride a calmer one, but it's okay, I preferred that one. Before I wrote this, I challenged Akihiro to a battle in the Champion's Room, but I lost. He's doing really good defending his title! He's told me he's even taken a nap during a battle because he hadn't gotten sleep the night before, but gave out orders to his Pokémon regardless! I dunno how he did, but he did. Oh! Tutu just handed me the picture Akihiro took of me while I was riding the Tauros! Look! Tapu Koko is in the back!! Oh wow... I'll have to make Akihiro get me another copy, he saves all his photos even if they've been printed, so he can get me one. Enjoy the photo and I hope Kanto life has been treating you well!!
- Hau

Dear Lillie,
Life as Kahuna sure is somethin' else, y'know. A lot of challengers have approached me as of late, it's amazin'! Ol' Nanu used to be the one for the grand trial on Poni, but now that it's me, it's been a little hectic. Oh, sorry this has to be so short Lillie, a challenger just approached me as I write this. Good luck to you and your mother, dear!
From, Hapu

Plumeria here, and Guzma too. He's being a baby and doesn't wanna write his own letter cause he thinks he'll look needy. Anyways, we just wanted to check up on you and the President and see how you're doing. We may be a bunch of misfits, but we care about you two. Hope you're doing real well and the President ain't causing much trouble.
- Plums and Big G

Dear Lillie,
5 letters this time, including my own. Man, I never knew being a Champion could be this exhausting. I don't know if Hau wrote about it in his letter, but I ended up falling asleep in a battle against Sophocles. I felt bad, but he didn't mind. I just needed some rest. So, about that vision I wrote about, a similar one happened the other day. This time though, I was asleep. It's weird, but whatever this "Blinding One" is, I know we can stop it if it threatens Alola. Don't tell Gladion, but oh man I've been feeling drained from battling recently. If he knew though, he'd insist on staying with me when I'm battling challengers. I think it's great though, he's really considering us friends now. Hehe... Well, this is the end of my letter, maybe we'll all take a break to come see you, Lillie. I'll leave the Beasts here, don't want to freak your mother out. See you later.
- Akihiro

Lillie ran a hand through her hair, smiling as she read the last of the letters. Lusamine had been getting better, she could write back about that. "Clefairy!" Her Clefairy ran up to her, jumping onto her lap.

"Hehe, hello Pippy!" She pat the Clefairy on her head, grabbing some nearby paper and a pencil to write her replies.

"Lillie," Lusamine sat up from her spot on the couch, glancing over at her daughter, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course Mother! What do you need?"

"A glass of water and an apple if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't! I'll get them for you now. Pippy, will you grab the apple for me?"

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