Chapter 31 - The Blinding One -

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"Hau oh my God please don't try that..." Akihiro let out a sigh, watching the sunshine boy try to stuff four malasadas into his mouth. He tried to bite down and nearly choked, but eventually he got them all down.

"I did it! Woohoo!" Hau pumped his fist in the air, "Now it's your turn!"

"No. I'm not gonna die by malasadas..."

"That'd be a way to go..."

Akihiro laughed, patting him on the head, "Come on, you said you wanted to watch Nebby and I take on Tapu Koko. We have to go."

"Oh! Yes yes let's go!"

On their way to the Ruins of Conflict, Hau kept babbling on and on about how cool the battle against Tapu Koko will be. Akihiro wasn't really listening to him, he was more focused on Nebby's Master Ball. It was shaking rapidly, the Pokémon inside seemed to be just barely waiting for it to roam free.

"Akihiro, Hau," Gladion's voice called out to them as they approached Plank Bridge, and the two turned around, "Akihiro, are you finally taking on Tapu Koko?"

"Yes," Akihiro nodded, holding out Nebby's Ball, "Nebby's been getting stronger, and I think we're ready."

"I'm coming to watch."

"Woohoo! More the merrier, Gladion!" Hau grinned, dashing forward towards the Ruins, leaving Gladion and Akihiro behind.

"I wish I had as much energy as him..." Akihiro chuckled, walking towards the Ruins, "Maybe I'd be so much brighter."

"Get more sleep."

"Oh my, big talk from the edge lord who doesn't sleep himself~" Akihiro laughed, until Gladion punched him in the arm, "Ow..."

"You deserved it."

The three finally entered the Ruins, and Akihiro quickly headed up towards the statue. He glanced back at his two friends, Hau held up a thumbs-up while Gladion just nodded. He took a deep breath and reached out for the statue.

"Tapu Koko," He called out, "When I first came here, you saved my life and I am eternally grateful for that. When I became champion, you asked for a battle against Nebby and I. I couldn't give you that battle then, but now we are both ready. I ask of you to come forth to battle Nebby and I, with no holding back!"

The statue began glowing, and Tapu Koko let out a cry that seemed to echo around the Ruins. Akihiro jumped down from the statue, watching it glow brightly. And suddenly... it stopped. He was in complete darkness.

'What...? A vision...?' He thought, confused, 'my head doesn't hurt though... What's going on...?'

"It is time..." a voice called to him, and he saw Tapu Koko appear in front of him, "Lunala... Akihiro..."

The darkness disappeared, and there it was: Tapu Koko was floating in front of him, "Ko-Ko-Ko!!" It cried, and Akihiro backed up. He grinned, grabbing Nebby's Ball. "Let's go, Nebby!!" He shouted, throwing out Nebby's Master Ball. Out came the large Legendary Pokemon, who erupted a cry as it popped out. Hau's eyes sparkled at the sight of Tapu Koko and Nebby, just staring at each other, and he sat down and pulled out a malasada he had bought earlier for the fight.

"Nebby! Start out with a Night Daze!"

"Luna!!" Nebby charged up its attack, heading straight for Tapu Koko. It dodged out of the way, firing electricity at Nebby.

"Ko-Ko-Ko!!!" Tapu Koko erupted a cry as it shot electricity at Nebby, hitting it immediately. Nebby shook its body, glancing back at Akihiro, "Moongeist Beam!"

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