Chapter 8 - Akala Island -

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Akihiro woke up to Meowth gently taping his face. Diane was helping his mother get breakfast ready for Akihiro and his Pokémon. Kaimana, Rosemary and Bernadette were out of their Poké Balls and playing with each other. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning sweetie," Ivory smiled at him, walking over with a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Mom, I could've made my own breakfast and saved you the trouble..."

"Oh nonsense! Diane called me inside and I saw you collapsed on the couch... I figured I'd make you breakfast before you head out for Akala Island..."

He gave a weak smile, "...Thanks..."

Diane put down food bowls for his three Pokémon, and pat their heads. Diane, being one of the oldest Pokémon in Akihiro's family, was basically a mother to all the younger Pokémon. She sat down on the couch next to Akihiro, turning to him with a concerned look.

"Gar, Gardevoir..." Akihiro looked over at his mother, who was back in the kitchen washing a couple of dishes.

"...I had another one..." He practically whispered, trying not to let his mother hear, "I saw this weird woman, and some strange... thing. It wasn't a Pokémon that's for sure..." he let out a gentle sigh, "But I'll be alright. I'll head to Akala Island today, and I have Kaimana, Rosemary and Bernadette. If it happens again, I'll let Mom know what's going on..."


Akihiro finished his breakfast and went to the bathroom to get ready for the next island. When he walked inside, he was greeted by his mother's Blissey.

"Blissey!" She greeted, gently patting his head.

"Morning Blissey..." Akihiro replied, grabbing his toothbrush. While he was getting ready, his mother called Prof. Kukui.

"Alola Ivory!" He exclaimed, "Is Akihiro almost ready? Hau, Lillie and I are waiting for him."

"Oh, yes he's almost ready, however..." she glanced at the door of the bathroom, "I found him collapsed on the couch with one of my Pokémon by his side. I let him sleep a little late so if he seems exhausted, that's why."

"I understand, yeah. Well, tell him we'll be leaving soon, we're just waiting for him to come down! Alola!"



Bernadette was cheerful as they walked down to the Marina. She got to be held in Akihiro's arms, while the other two stayed in their Poké Balls. She had escaped hers, and well. Akihiro didn't want to put her back. Hau had been playing a game of Tag with his Pikachu and Eevee, who Akihiro had learned were named Sorbet and Kiwi. Both Pokémon loved the name, and shared the same love for food as Hau.

"Morning..." Akihiro yawned as he walked up to the trio.

"Bagon!" Bernadette clapped, saying hello.

"Good Morning!" Hau smiled, patting his Pokémon on their heads, "Ready to go to Akala Island?"

"Pew!" Nebby cried from in the bag. "Nebby shhh... we're going to be at the next island," Lillie sighed, "You have to be quiet and hidden."

"You three," Kukui interrupted, "let's head onto the boat, yeah! Time to set sail!"

Akihiro put Bernadette back in her Poké Ball for safety, and Hau did the same with his Pokémon. Lillie stood a little behind Hau, while he and Akihiro stood up front on the boat.

"Here we go!" Kukui started up his boat and away they were to Akala Island.

"Woo!!" Hau cried happily, the wind in his face felt nice, "C'mon grandma! Push it up a notch!"

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