Chapter 28 - Icarus -

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((I just realized this story has 2k reads! Holy shit thanks so much guys! I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as I am!))

The next day, Akihiro awoke bright and early. It confused him, he usually slept really late into the day, or Meowth usually woke him up, but today it was all him. He stretched his arms, yawning as he got out of bed. His Pokémon were roaming around the house while his mother was making them food, Ozul was the first to greet him.

"Morning, Ozul," He said, patting his head.


Akihiro began getting dressed and ready for the day, being Champion didn't mean he could just laze around all day, he did have responsibilities and challengers now. As he exited the bathroom after changing, he went to grab himself some breakfast, the door suddenly flew open.

"Akihiro!!" Hau's panicked voice echoed through the house, startling the Pokémon and people, "It's a disaster!! A total disaster!!"

"Hau calm down," Akihiro said, "Tell me what's wrong."

"I can explain later, we don't have much time! If we don't hurry, the ship is gonna leave!" Hau grabbed Akihiro's arm roughly, dragging him out the door. His Pokémon quickly followed them, forgetting about their food.

"Hau slow down! I'm not a runner!!" Akihiro was quickly running out of breath, and Hau had to bring him through a shortcut. By the time they got to the Marina, he was wheezing for air. Though, he could see Lillie and Kukui standing there talking to each other.

"You didn't tell us!!" Hau shouted, running up to them, Akihiro and his Pokémon followed behind.
Lillie turned to them, noticing the sad look on Hau's face.

"I'm sorry, Hau..." she said softly, "But I've decided. I have to go to Kanto..."

Akihiro's eyes widened, "You're... You're going to Kanto..?"

"Yes.. It's to help my mother get better... and I... I want to help myself get stronger... Of course I'm sad to leave Alola, but," A huge smile grew on her face, "The thought of going to Kanto makes me feel so excited!"

Akihiro glanced at Hau, he looked like he was going to cry. Honestly, Akihiro felt the same way, he just hid it better.

"I'm going to become a real Trainer and meet all kinds of wonderful Pokémon! I'm gonna travel around Kanto just like we did here on Alola."


"I'm going to be okay, Hau. And someday... Someday I'll come back to Alola."

"B-But... I-I haven't gotten to say any of the things I've wanted to say to you! So... so... Agh!" He hung his head in frustration and sadness, "Lillie, I'm gonna send you a letter! A really long one! Wait for it okay!"

Lillie giggled, moving to hug the boy. "I will, Hau. Here, this is for you." She handed him a scrap book, "I've been keeping this during my time here on Alola. You can remember me by it."

She turned towards Akihiro, hugging him as well. "I have something for you too, Akihiro. It looks a little worn because it was once my most treasured belonging..." she handed him a Pokémon doll shaped like a Clefairy. He held onto it a bit tightly, his emotions were starting to get the better of him.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye then..."

"No, not a goodbye..." Hau had tears in his eyes, "I-It's a 'see you later'..."

Akihiro nodded, "See you later..."

"Right... See you later..."

The boat began moving slowly, Lillie was waving to them all as it left. They didn't stop waving to each other until the boat had disappeared over the horizon. For a while, the three sat in silence, staring out at the ocean where Lillie had once been. Hau's quiet crying broke their silence.

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