Chapter 29 - UB Problems -

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"I thought we told you this was classified information!" Looker seemed both bewildered and upset, Akihiro couldn't tell which was more noticeable. Anabel was neither of those, she just seemed relieved he came back, even if it was with Gladion.

"Be grateful he came back," Gladion mumbled, "I'm the reason he's here helping you, so don't complain."


"...Well... He's agreed to help us so it's not that bad, Looker..."

Looker sighed, knowing he was defeated, "Then... Welcome aboard our team, Akihiro and Gladion. We'll waste no time getting started. The chief and I will set out to gather more information about the UBs. Please head to Aether Paradise and to the secret labs."

"We just came from there..." Akihiro sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Who are we looking for now?"

"Ms. Wicke," Anabel said, "She'll know what you're there for."

Akihiro and Gladion sighed, heading out for Aether Paradise. Just like Anabel had said, Wicke already knew why the two were there, and she even explained why Lillie left for Kanto. Then, she handed Akihiro 10 Beast Balls. He recognized them by the one Lusamine had. That was all they needed, and returned to Akala. When they returned, Anabel was alone. While they were talking, Looker burst in.

"È un disastro!!" He shouted, looking panicked.

"English please..." Akihiro said to him.

"Sorry! Force of habit! UB-01 Symbiont has been spotted in Diglett's Tunnel!"

"I see. Akihiro, Gladion," Anabel turned to them, "You two will head to the sight. I will keep the locals safe. Looker, you stay here and coordinate backup if needed."

"Yes, Chief."

Anabel quickly took off, heading towards the area where it was most populated. Akihiro and Gladion did the same, heading towards Diglett's Tunnel. "Gladion..." Akihiro glanced at him as they travelled, "...Thank you for doing this for me. I... I really couldn't do this by myself..."

"It's no problem," Gladion replied, "besides, Silvally and Icarus were born to be Beast Killers. Although we're not killing them, we can significantly weaken the Ultra Beasts and capture them."

"Still... Thanks..." A hint of pink appeared on Akihiro's cheeks, but neither noticed. When they reached Diglett's Tunnel, they headed inside and began looking around. They couldn't see any Pokémon around, but could hear sounds of the Ultra Beast moving around.

"This way," Gladion started running in the direction of the sounds, Akihiro following behind. When they reached the end of the tunnel, they found the Nihilego causing trouble for some of the Pokémon. Akihiro froze, trying to grab Icarus' Poké Ball, but he couldn't move.

"Akihiro," Gladion put his hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at him, "It's going to be fine."

Slowly, he nodded, reaching for Icarus' Poké Ball and releasing the Pokémon. "Icarus!" He called to it, "We're here to weaken and capture it!"

Icarus... well, it wasn't exactly used to taking orders. It was adjusting to being Akihiro's Pokémon. Though, it took one look at the Nihilego and got ready. Rotom had explained to him what moves Icarus had, and the battle began. The Nihilego noticed the three immediately, swiftly dodging Icarus' attacks. It was heading for him and Gladion.

"I-It's coming for u-us...!" Akihiro shouted, his breathing hitched and he began backing up slightly. Gladion threw out Silvally's Poké Ball, calling it to attack.

"Akihiro! The Beast Balls!" Gladion called to him, "Now!"

"R-Right!" Akihiro fumbled with one of the special Poké Balls, tossing it right at the Ultra Beast. It shook a couple times before stopping, signaling its capture. Silvally returned to Gladion, alongside Icarus, and nuzzled against him. Akihiro picked up the Beast Ball, placing it in his bag. His heart was still pounding, but at least he wouldn't have to catch another one of the Nihilego.

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