Valentine's Day Special!

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((Hello everyone! I know I'm a day late but Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm actually not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day, I've had a bit of bad experiences, but this year I felt like I should share something related to the holiday for you all!
Especially since the next chapter is taking forever....
Anyways, enjoy this little Valentine's Day story, Akihiro is younger here, and he's in the Sinnoh region for a vacation with his family!))

"Mom, can I have the blue crayon please?"

"Yes sweetie."

Ivory had Akihiro making Valentine's Day pictures and cards to keep him busy while she tried to clean up in the vacation home. Akihiro had been doodling all day, he was a seven year old, he had nothing else to do. Ivory hadn't noticed, but Akihiro had been working on the same Valentine's Day drawing for the past half hour, he wanted to make it special for who he was giving it to. When he had finished drawing, he held it up to examine it, before grinning.

"Mom! Can I go outside and explore?"

"Yes, but you have to take Roxas or Diane with you! Their Poké Balls are on the kitchen table!"

Akihiro tucked the heart-shaped card into the front pocket of his shirt and ran into the kitchen to grab the two Poké Balls. And secretly grabbed some Pokémon treats he had made with his mother. "Bye Mom! I'll be back in a little bit! Roxas and Diane are coming with me!"

After saying goodbye to his mother, Akihiro headed outside and let the two Pokémon out of their Poké Balls.

Roxas was a Tauros, but very gentle for his kind. Diane was a shiny Gardevoir, having been given to Ivory from a friend was she was just an egg. "Hi Roxas and Diane!" He grinned at the two, "Mom said I had to take you two with me since I wanna go exploring!"

Diane seemed to laugh, ruffling his hair. "Gard..." She lifted him up onto Roxas' back, "Tauros!" Roxas let out a playful roar, having been taught from Ivory that Akihiro was more delicate than adults were. Diane walked beside Roxas and Akihiro, enjoying hearing the boy laughing when Roxas sped up a little.

"Ooh! Roxas, turn the corner and head to the lake!"

"Taur?" He sounded confused, wondering why the boy wanted to go there. But he followed Akihiro's directions. When they got to the lake, Diane helped him down off Roxas. "Okay! Now since you two can't swim across the lake, you two will go back into your Poké Balls now."

Akihiro returned them into their Poké Balls and let out a series of whistles. During the beginning of his vacation, he had met an Empoleon at the lake who had helped him when he tripped and hurt himself. He was by himself, and the Pokémon had wanted to help him. Ever since then, Akihiro had been calling him Alizeh and visited him.

Alizeh had popped out of the water and let Akihiro hop on. "Thanks Alizeh! Oh, I have this for you!" He opened the bag that held the Pokémon treats and held one out to Alizeh, who gobbled it up instantly.


Alizeh swam Akihiro over to the cave in the center of the lake, letting him get off his back before jumping up onto the land. Akihiro let Roxas and Diane out, introducing them to his new friend, and the four went inside the cave. It was silent, no person nor Pokémon were inside. Akihiro's smile vanished, gloom washing over his face.

"...Not here right now..." he mumbled sadly, taking out the card and grabbing a Pokémon treat. Diane pat his shoulder, not knowing what he was looking for but understanding he was upset. He walked into the center of the cave, putting down the card and a treat, before saying it was time to leave.


The next day, Akihiro went back to the cave to check if his card was still there. Instead, there was a couple of rocks in the shape of a smile and a drawing in mud of him. The treat was also gone, only crumbs left behind.

He smiled.

"I know Pokémon don't really celebrate it but... Happy Valentine's Day."

((What Pokémon do you think he was visiting??))

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