Chapter 14 - ???? -

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As soon as Akihiro got to the Resort, the man from before approached him. "Ahh you've finally arrived," He chuckled softly, "Please forgive me, I haven't introduced myself. Call me Faba."

"Faba. Okay, I'm Akihiro."

"Fantastic. Now, I ran into another trainer and invited him to the Aether Paradise as well. While we wait, why don't I tell you about the Aether Paradise."

He smiled, seeming pleased about the place.

"It is a paradise for Pokémon that floats far out in the sea surrounding Alola. It's an artificial island made for the protection of Pokémon! You will come with me to see Aether Paradise, will you not?"

"Wait wait! Take me too!!" Hau's shouts could be heard as the boy began rushing towards them. Kukui and Olivia follows behind him.

"Oh, Kahuna Olivia came to see you off as well?" Faba asked.

"Well, the Trial-goers of my Island are like my own children," Olivia replied, smiling, "so I look over all of them. Not that I've had any children of my own..."

She cleared her throat, "Listen you two, your greatest opponent will always be yourself. And your greatest allies will be the Pokémon beside you. Always remember that."

"Thanks Olivia!" Hau grinned, "Professor! Are you coming with us?"

"No, I have my own business to attend to," Kukui replied, "You see what's going on there, and we'll meet up on Ula'ula Island at Malie Garden, yeah?"



Being on the Aether Paradise ferry was much different compared to the boat Kukui owned. Much smaller and a bit congested to Akihiro. But it was over quick and they arrived at the Aether Paradise.

"Here we are," Faba smiled, "Welcome to the Aether Paradise."

Akihiro and Hau looked around, seeming amazed by the place. "This is so cool!!" Hau shouted.

"The Paradise was created for conserving Pokémon," Faba continued, "And it has been outfitted with all the latest technology for that. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Poké Balls and more."

"...What kind of Poké Balls?" Akihiro asked, seeming confused, "We have a lot for every type and such... what more is there?"

"A lot my friend. A lot... Oh, you also will not be able to use any of your Poké Balls within Aether Paradise. There's a signal throughout the facility to prevent them from functioning."

Faba began walking and the pair followed him towards the elevator as a woman with pink glasses exited it.

"Oh, excuse me Mr. Faba," she said.

Faba let out a huff, much like a child's, "Yes, excuse you!" He said rather angrily, "What was the meaning of that address. I have a title for a reason!"

"Pardon me, Branch Manager Faba," She replied.

"Thank you. Now I must go speak with the president about our conservation efforts on Akala. Show these children around, then take them to meet our president."

"Yes sir."

Faba stepped onto the elevator and headed up.

"Welcome to Aether Paradise, Akihiro and Hau," She smiled, "My name is Wicke."

Akihiro's eyes widened, "You know who we are?" He asked, looking confused.

She laughed, "One of our employees told me about your meeting on Akala. That's how. And Hau, I heard of your protection of the Pokémon there. Thank you."

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