Chapter 11 - Trial of Kiawe -

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((A/N: we've reach 1 thousand reads holy cow. Thank you so much for reading and voting on the story ;w;
Edit: Okay so this chapter was close to being published when I'm writing this. I watched the 6.62017 Pokémon direct, but honestly I'm not as excited for UltraSun and UltraMoon as I was with Sun and Moon, but I still do want the games.))




...It's time to wake up...

"Akihiro? Are you awake?"

Opening his eyes, Akihiro saw Hau and Nurse Joy standing over him. He blinked, looking around slowly at his surroundings, before carefully sitting up.




His three Pokémon immediately jumped on him, hugging him tightly. He smiled, "Hey, hey it's alright..." he mumbled, "I'm okay..."

"You were knocked out for a while, Akihiro," Hau said, leaning back in his chair, "You passed out after looking at me, Gladion, and The Masked Royal like we were gonna hurt you or something... You looked terrified."

"Ah..." Akihiro rubbed the back of his neck as a Nurse Blissey put down some soup and water for him, "Thank you..." As he took a sip of water, the two began to ask him questions.

"Have you fainted before?" Hau asked, looking at him worriedly.

"Hau said you've done something like this before, but you didn't faint," Nurse Joy added, feeling his forehead, "Your temperature is normal, so that rules out being sick."

"I think I was just a little dehydrated," Akihiro replied, putting the water down, "I'm feeling much better, really..."

"I dunno kid," Rotom popped up, taking a picture of him and showing it to him, "You still look a little pale bzzzt! Maybe you should hold off on the next trial..."

"No, no, I'm fine," He smiled weakly, "Kaimana, Rosemary, Bernadette, are you ready for the next trial?"

They all nodded, ready to take on the next trial. Akihiro took out their Poké Balls and sent them inside, taking a couple spoonfuls of the soup before he got up.

"Akihiro," Nurse Joy said, "if this happens again, please take a break and come by, alright?"


"I will."

Hau and Akihiro exited the Pokémon Center, with Hau looking at him as if he was crazy. "Akihiro, maybe you should take a break and go home for a bit..."

"I'm fine Hau," He pulled out his water bottle, "I just hadn't had water in a while. I promise."

Hau let out a sigh "Well, if you faint again, I'll make Rotom call me so you aren't lying on the ground somewhere."

"Bzzt! Will do Hau!" Rotom replied, and the two spilt off in different directions. Hau was going to take on Lana's Trial, as he had stopped previously to battle a bit in the Battle Royal Dome.

Akihiro headed to Route 7 and towards the next trial at Wela Volcano. "Alright..." Despite the moon being out, he could feel the heat as he walked into the route. He began the climb up to the top, hoping that it wouldn't be to long to get to the Trial.

When he got to the top of the volcano, it left Akihiro panting. The heat didn't help either, and he had to sit down next to one of the Trial Guards for a bit, before walking through the Trial Gate.

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