Chapter 12 - An Inn Problem -

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Walking to the next Trial was easy. It was just outside the Pokémon Center and in a jungle. Akihiro looked up at the sky, noticing a couple clouds had started to come around. 'Great, I bet it's going to rain... I'll have to finish this trial quickly...'

He ran into the forest, passing through the Trial gate as he did. As soon as he was in the jungle, Mallow greeted him. "Thanks for stopping by!" She said, "This is Lush Jungle, where my trial is! You're the one who got a Sparkling Stone from Tapu KoKo, right?"

"Yes," Akihiro replied.

'After almost dying...' He thought, shuddering slightly.

"Good! You should be totally ready for this!" She grinned at him, "You're gonna search for ingredients for the Mallow Special! Find a Mago Berry, a Tiny Mushroom, a Revival Herb, and a Miracle Seed!" She handed him a bag. "Collect them in this bag, and return to me when you've found all four!"

"...I'm going grocery shopping for you..?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "That's the Trial?"

"Yes!" Mallow laughed, "Oh, here! Lemme see your Ride Pager!" She grabbed his Ride Pager and registered another Pokémon to it. "You now can call a Stoutland to find these items! Now get going!" With a playful shove, she sent him into the jungle.


Akihiro found the final item and began to head back to Mallow. 'This is a weird Trial...' he thought, riding Stoutland back to Mallow, 'it's really just a grocery shopping Trial... wonder what the Totem Pokémon will be...'

Once he got back to Mallow, he hopped off the Stoutland and said goodbye to it. "I have all the ingredients," He said, holding out the bag to her.

"Great!" She grinned, laying out a blanket. "Now that we have all the ingredients, we need-"


Akihiro turned around to find Lana and Kiawe walking into the forest. "Sorry to keep you waiting," Kiawe said, holding out two items. "I brought a Thick Club and a Rare Bone for you."

"And I have some Fresh Water and the usual Rocky Helmet," Lana added, giving Mallow her items.

"You two were in this as well?" Akihiro asked, raising an eyebrow. Lana laughed, "Yep, Mallow's trial is an interesting one, and we get to be a part of it!"

"Thank you Lana! And thank you Kiawe! We now have everything we need!" She put the items down on the blanket. "Akihiro, we're gonna cook up the Mallow Special and lure out the Totem Pokémon!"

Immediately, Mallow began to work on the food, and soon a unique aroma filled the jungle. Mallow chuckled as Lana and Kiawe began to back away, and Akihiro could feel something staring at him. He turned around, and a large pink Pokémon stared back at him.

"Lu-ran!!" The Pokémon cried, and Akihiro jumped back. "So this is the Totem Pokémon..."

"Lurantizzz!" Rotom added, "Grazzz Type with the moves Solar Blade, X-Scizzzor, Razor Leaf, and Zzzynthezzzis."

"Great..." Akihiro mumbled, "At least it's not sunny, so Solar Beam won't do too much. Rosemary, you're up!" He sent her out of her Poké Ball, letting out a howl at the moon. "Rosemary, use Crunch!"

Rosemary began charging at the Lurantis, her fangs shown. "Awoo!" She cried, pouncing on the Pokémon. The Totem Pokémon cried out, and shook her off. "Alright, now use tackle before it can attack you!"

Rosemary got on her feet and headed to attack the Totem Pokémon. The Lurantis dodged out of the way and used X-Scissor on her, causing Rosemary to cry out. "Shoot, without a Rock move Rosemary doesn't have a good advantage..."

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