Chapter 37 - Life on Alola -

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((A/N: Guys, this is the second to last chapter. Well, the last chapter is an Epilogue, so I guess this technically is the last "chapter". Either way I'm almost done with Pokémon: Mysteries of Alola! Oh wow does time fly fast))


"You're a trainer now. It's only right that you have Nebby."

"B-But... Nebby... Nebby is a Legendary Pokemon and... and... it's yours..."

"No. You gave Nebby to me back then because you weren't a trainer. And now that you are... Nebby is returning to its rightful owner. You, Lillie."

"I... I..."

Gently, the boy closed her fingers around the Masterball, smiling at her. He didn't say anything else, waiting for her to accept it. He noticed her crying, but a large smile spread across her face.

"Thank you, Akihiro!!"


"How's life without Nebby treating you so far?" Gladion sat beside the boy, watching him tend to a couple of the flowers in his mother's garden.

"A little sad. I miss Nebby a lot, but I get to see it every time I see Lillie," Akihiro replied softly, gently planting a flower in small a hole, "It's not the same as the time I had it on my team but... It's enough for me. Nebby wasn't ever mine to begin with, it was hers. She saved it, she raised it, she was its true trainer." He adjusted his sun hat as he pat down the soil.

"Mhm... Oh, Wicke wanted to let you know she said she'll take care of the Beasts for a bit if you ever need a break. She's really good with them."

"Hehe, thanks for asking for me. I don't usually have a lot of breaks. I'm still defending my title you know~"

"Except for today, because if you didn't get sleep due to all those challengers I would've knocked you out so you'd sleep."

"Didn't know you were such a sadist, ahaha."  Akihiro grinned as Gladion's cheeks turned red, "I'm just joking with you, babe. Unless it's true, then whoopsie didn't mean to call you out on it~"

Gladion responded by grabbing Akihiro's hat and smacking him with it. "Jeez one of these days you're gonna regret the things that come out of your mouth..."

"But not today!" Akihiro stood up and patted down his clothes, making sure all the dirt was off of him. He extended his hand to Gladion, helping the boy stand up with him.

"How's Necrozma doing?"

"Better. It stays around the totem Kommo-O and scared the shit out of a poor 11 year old girl. I had to go down there and relax her, the poor thing... Now it comes out only after or before challengers enter." He rolled his shoulders to stretch out a little, motioning Gladion to follow him into his home. "So... did you think about what I asked you the other day...?"

"Yes, I did. And I'm going to say yes. Lillie and Mother will be at Aether, and you can take about a week or so off from challengers, you are the Champion after all. They'd have to wait for you to come back."

Akihiro grinned at him, offering him a sandwich as he made his own. "Great. I'll make sure my team is ready to go soon. We leave tomorrow by 10 AM sharp, edgelord!"

"Stop calling me that..."


"Necrozma! Come on out please! I know you're here!" Akihiro cupped his hands around his mouth to make his shouts echo more. He laughed when Necrozma finally appeared in front of him, seeming as if it had been resting. "There you are. Listen, I'm gonna be gone for about 2 weeks starting tomorrow, so you need to be on your best behavior, got it?"

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