Chapter 15 - Ula'ula Island -

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((I recommend rereading the last part just in case you've forgotten if you've been with me for the long hiatus I had))

When the pair stepped off the boat on Ula'ula island, Hau shouted "Land ahoy!!" He looked around, grinning.

"Ula'ula Island is like another different place than Melemele or Akala."

Akihiro chuckled, looking around, "Different Island, different sights." He was feeling much better after their boat ride.

"Yeah! Hey, let's have a battle. I want my Pokémon to have a breath of new fresh air!"

"Sure, why not."

The two stood apart from each other, each holding a Poké Ball.

"Sorbet! Let's go!"

"Rosemary here we go!"

Hau grinned, "Rosemary's a Lycanroc?"

"Yup. Sorbet's a Raichu?"

"You know it!"

Rosemary looked back at Akihiro, who nodded at her. "Start off with a Tackle, then a Bite!"


"Sorbet! Dodge and use Electro Ball!"



After their friendly battle, the pair headed for Malie Garden to find the professor. Not before healing at the Pokémon Center though. "Why does the professor want us to meet him at a garden anyways?" Hau asked.

"No idea," Akihiro replied, stretching his arms, "Maybe the scenery is nice?"

They headed into the garden area, "Whoa!" Hau exclaimed, "Its so nice here!"

"There's the professor," Akihiro pointed to a nearby building, under an umbrella Kukui was sitting. They headed for the professor, calling out for him.

"Prof. Kukui!"

He glanced up in their direction, noticing the excited look on Hau's face. He laughed softly, "Hau, your eyes are shining much brighter than usual. What's up?"

Akihiro glanced at Hau, noticing he looked excited. "...An Ultra Beast..." Was all Akihiro could get out before Hau interrupted him.

"Professor! Ultra Beasts are real!" Hau exclaimed, "The Ultra Wormhole opened right in front of us and WHOOSH! Out came an Ultra Beast!"

"Woo! You got to see the Ultra Wormhole and an Ultra Beast?" Kukui said, his eyes wide, "That's amazing!" He smiled at the pair, "Maybe someday, we'll be able to go through the Ultra Wormhole..."

Akihiro bit his lip, "Maybe..." he replied.

"Well, your next trial is up on Mount Hokulani! You can catch the bus on Route 10 to get there, yeah. I'll be waiting for you there."

"Thank you," The two nodded, and Kukui headed off.

"Akihiro, you go on without me," Hau said, grinning, "I've got a hot date with a Malasada Shop!"

He laughed softly, waving to Hau as he headed off. Akihiro glanced up at the sky.

'...I really... Don't want to go through the Ultra Wormhole...' he thought, heading out of the garden.

As he headed towards the next route, Lillie stopped him before he could go. "Akihiro..." She said softly, "May I... ask you something?"

Nebby piped up, seeming to add to her question.

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