Chapter 7 - Kahuna Hala's Grand Trial! -

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((A/N: I just found out chuggaaconroy is playing Skyward Sword and I freaking love it. It's my favorite Zelda game, because I haven't play BOTW yet so who knows it might change when I play that
Also, Anime Boston was this weekend from the time I'm writing this, and I went as Plumeria. Best three days of my life))

Akihiro rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up so he could be alert when he saw Lillie. Kaimana and Rosemary were resting in their Poké Balls. He walked on Route 3, calling Lillie's name and avoiding those who looked like they wanted to battle with someone. After beating the first Trial, he wasn't really in the mood to battle unless it was against Hala for the Grand Trial. He approached a small cave, wondering if Lillie had gone in there. He walked inside, noticing her standing by a large patch of yellow flowers.

"Nebby!" She called, "Nebby, come back!!"

"Lillie," Akihiro said her name as he approached her, causing the girl to jump slightly.

"Ah, Akihiro... Nebby... Nebby ran off into the meadow, look over there."

Nebby had gone through the meadow and was staring peacefully at a patch of flowers up on a pathway that was going up. "What if a wild Pokémon attacks it? Nebby doesn't have any moves to defend itself..."

"Lillie calm down..." Akihiro yawned, "Sorry, I'm a bit tired... Look, I'll go get Nebby, okay?"

"Thank you..."

Akihiro headed into the flower patch, he could see Pokémon around him starting to go to sleep. He walked past them quietly, trying not to disturb them. There was a yellow and white bird type Pokémon playing in the flowers, having yellow Pom Poms on its hands.

"Hey Rotom, what is that Pokémon called?"

"Oricorio! Thizzz flying type Pokémon changes its appearance due to the nectar available on the four different islandzzz!"

"Oricorio... huh."

He walked through the flowers and onto regular ground. Nebby was up ahead, playing in the small patch of flowers. Akihiro kneeled down to pat its head.

"Nebby, you can't just wander away from Lillie like that," He scolded, picking the Pokémon up, "Places like this are crawling with wild Pokémon. Some aren't always friendly."


With Nebby in his arms, Akihiro headed back to Lillie. Nebby snuggled against his shirt, enjoying the warmth he gave off. He subconsciously pat Nebby's head as he saw Lillie walk up to them.

"Ah, Nebby must be worn out now..." Lillie took Nebby from Akihiro and gently put him back in her bag. "Thank you..."

"Kukui is looking for you, so you should head back to him."


The pair walked out of the meadow, with Akihiro rubbing his eyes and yawning. When they headed back onto Route 3, Hau was waiting for them.

"Lillie! Akihiro!" He grinned, "Prof. Kukui said I could probably find Akihiro here looking for Lillie, but I didn't know she would be with you. Are you feeling better Akihiro?"

"Better?" Lillie looked at him, and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah... I was dehydrated earlier and almost fainted, but I'm feeling much better."

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