Chapter 24 - Lunala -

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Akihiro and Lillie stayed close to each other, neither wanted to get separated in the large Canyon. It was an interesting place to say the least, a couple places were blocked off, they would go up high or down low, had to use Akihiro's Ride Pager to get through certain places, etc etc.

They reached the peak of the canyon, finding the girl Hapu had described sitting there on a bridge. She didn't acknowledge them at first, only noticing when they stepped in front of her. She looked up at them before holding her hands out like a camera.

"Haha... what a nice composition..." she mumbled, "I should paint of picture of you two..."

"You're Mina, right?" Akihiro asked, looking at her.

"Uh hum. I'm what you'd call a trial captain, if Poni actually had one... I just kinda wander around doing art and shit..." she was very laidback, Akihiro noticed. Sort of like a hippie or maybe someone who really enjoyed getting high... "Y'know, this place is why Ilima designed his trial like he did..." she fished around in her bag, looking around for something. "Here... Normally I'd have ya do something for me, like maybe paint with me cause it's fun, but I can tell you're in a hurry. So take this, it's called Fairium Z..."

She lazily showed them the Z-Move for it, lying back on the bridge.

"Y'know, I really should come up with a trial... maybe paint a picture of a Pokémon or take a picture of it... I dunno..."

Lillie and Akihiro glanced at each other, each having a bit of confusion on their faces, before shrugging. "Well... Hapu says hi..."


The two headed off towards what looked like Trial gates. Though, there was no captain in sight, like Mina had said she wasn't exactly a captain. Lillie took couple deep breaths, a bit exhausted. "I'm gonna take a break..." she said, sitting down on the ground, "That looks like it's a form of a trial... so I'll wait out here for a bit and join you when I'm ready."

"Take your time," Akihiro headed inside the cave, passing through the trial gates and noticing something as soon as he stepped in. There was a stone monument right at the entrance, and he took a closer look to read it.

"Ahead lies a sacred ground of trials. None who do not take part in its trials will be allowed to walk upon this earth. Those lacking the courage to defeat the totem guarding this land will be denied entry. But those who believe in their Pokemon and walk beside them shall gain great power!"

Akihiro slowly moved his fingers over the old text, noticing the dust that had collected on it. He gently blew away the dust, wanting it to be clean for the next person who went through it. He took a deep breath and headed towards the exit of the cave. He felt the air get a little heavy, and he could feel something keeping it's eyes on him. He focused on getting towards the pedestal in the back that held a couple Z-Crystals in them, ignoring the feeling of eyes upon him.

When he reached the pedestal, he could feel the presence of a strong Pokémon, the one that held its gaze on him. He looked around, finally hearing a Pokémon call out to him.


He looked above him to find a large Pokémon jumping down from above, and he immediately backed up to avoid being stomped on. It stared directly at him, awaiting his Pokémon.

"Holy shit..." he mumbled, "You're a huge Totem Pokemon... Hey Rotom."

"Zzzt! Yezzz?"

"What Pokémon is this...?"

"Thatzzz a Kommo-O! A Dragon and Fighting-type Pokémon! It's a pseudo-legendary dragon too!"

Akihiro stares at the Pokémon, wondering who he should use to defeat it. "Kaimana! Let's do this!" He decided upon his starter, releasing him to battle. "Use Disarming Voice!"

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