Chapter 35 - Date -

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((A/N: Excuse the late chapter, Anime Boston was this weekend and I was preparing for it. I went as Yurio! That's me in my cosplay up there!))

His Pokémon roamed freely around the room, playing with each other. The smaller of his beasts joined them, besides Poipole. It was leaning itself against his chest, loving the warmth his body radiated.

"So... um... how exactly do we... start this conversation...?"

A low rumble from his laugh made the Poipole look up at him, "I guess just like that," He said, a smile gracing his lips, "About what I did before I left... You're... You're not mad, are you?"

"No no, I'm not..." Gladion scratched the back of his head, "Not at all, actually..."

"Ah... That's good..." Akihiro ran his fingers up and down his own arm, biting his lower lip a little, "And... Wicke said... You like me..."

"Ah... Yes... I do..."

Akihiro could see his cheeks turning pink, and his smile grew, "Then there's nothing for us to be embarrassed about. If anything, I should be the one who's embarrassed. I just went and kissed you..."

"No. It's fine... Um..."

"Gladion, when... when everything settles down again..." Akihiro shifted his gaze to stare over at his Pokémon, his cheeks turning red, "Um... wanna go and... do something...? Like... maybe just go sit down at one of the beaches and relax...?"

He glanced at the blond, trying to meet his eyes so he wouldn't feel rude.

"...Yeah. I'd really like to..."


A couple days had past since Akihiro had helped out the Ultra Recon Squad, and life one Alola was... peaceful again. At least for now. He was a bit wary whenever he walked by himself, knowing Necrozma and two new Ultra Beasts were loose in Alola. Wicke, Hau and Gladion has accompanied him to a side of Poni where the beasts were spotted, and were aiming to help Akihiro capture them. Though... the two beasts didn't put up a fight when they saw the other beasts Akihiro had already. They seemed to understand something, maybe they were just familiar with the types of beasts, and willingly calmed down to be caught.

That was the easy part.

The hard part was finding and catching Necrozma, and that went a bit strange. Akihiro was planning on flying on a Charizard to the Pokémon League, but his plans were cut short when he spotted a large crater that had certainly not been there when he left through the Wormhole. He could see something black shining within it, and he immediately landed the Charizard near the crater, and he found what he was looking for.

Necrozma... looked significantly weaker than when he had last seen it, it looked defeated and on the brink of death honestly. It glanced up at him, seeming to try to communicate with him, and then it spotted his Z-Ring. It emitted a growl-like sound, but Akihiro didn't falter.

"No," He spoke clearly and dominant, trying to show it he wasn't going to be afraid of it any longer, "No. you cannot attack me. This light, the light from my Z-crystals and Z-Ring. I know it was once yours."

He watched its body shift slightly, clearly surprised and a little intrigued.

"I am willing to share it with you. But... in order to do that..." he grabbed one of his Ultra Balls, holding it out to Necrozma, "You have to stay by my side. I will not make you a battling Pokémon, I will not force you to be around people, but you must be calm. I don't want to see you suffer, and neither did the people of your world... So please, Necrozma, join myself and my team. Perhaps we can get you your own area in Alola, where you can be surrounded by the aura of your light. I know of one place big enough for you... do you understand?"

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