Beast of my Image

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I wanna die cus I finished two whole chapters but I didn't save then word stopped responding.

So I'll see if I can make this better.



I had another dream again. The same thing, the same robot, the same friends, the same betrayal, death and the same communist I once knew.

I've been going to therapy for the past few weeks, so has Matt and Edd. Edd needs it more than me I think. He really thought Tord was back as a friend. Even I did for what? Three seconds. But that backfired quicker than my harpoon gun that shot that norski out of the sky.

To be honest though, it's not too bad. We've been getting better together after each time we hang out.

"Paul get down!" I hear shouting throughout my ringing ears. A loud crackle like thunder broke my probably forced sleep. I hear gunshots, yelling and explosions. My vision was blurry. I look around, A see a black and navy colored blob and different shades of orange.

"W-what is...?" I tried to use my dominant hand to press my face but it was being used by someone else. It was being pulled over so I could lean on this stranger who was hiding behind rubble.

My vision focused. The male holding me was a brunette, tanned wing-fringed, likely a homosexual. I blink roughly to get the full picture. My apartment was exploded.. The bricks were flying in the form of dust to give passing bullets the 'better look'.

It's happening again. I began panicking, I struggle to break away. I succeeding, looking at the stranger before me who had put his hands in front of him defensively. He had a name tag which had 'PAT' in all caps.

"Holy flying robots on a thanksgiving plate!" I search around for something, anything. Then back at this soldier before me. "Who are you, what are you doing and... And" I began to tear up at the familiar memories of Tord's betrayal which seemed to be replaying.

'Pat' tried to use that easing gesture "Sir, you're fine, don't worry". Don't worry? Don't fucking worry?! He probably exploded my new home and tells ME to calm down?!

I think for a bit. Trying to think of something more important than the rest of my questions to ask. My eye's widen. Edd.. Matt.. I look up at Pat, tears flowing. "My friends.. Where are my friends?!"

His eye's widened for some reason, he looked more afraid than before. He smiled sheepishly, "Don't worry sir, they're fine, I assure you".

I look around for them. I see another man wearing the same uniform as the one in front of me. He had a sun burnt tinge to him, bandages over one side of his face and the most intense bushes above his eyes. Next to him I saw a sleeping figure, Brunette and a green hoodie... Edd!


I am so afraid, he is exactly how the boss described him. I feel bad not having enough time to explain. Also that I just pulled this poor man from his home and blew it up. A purple smoke rose from the black spheres that were his eyes. Just like he described.

I turn to the plane that just landed behind us. I smile, glad we could get out of here. I turn around to Paul who was aiming at Thomas who was running right across the battle field. He was screaming and crying. "Paul no!" He fires.

~Paul's P.O.V~

I had to shoot, I sure had a choice but either way Red leader would slit us. I wasted two bullets on this boy's shoulder and ankle. He fell instantly.

I had a second to see his expression drop from a desperate call for help to pure shock and fear as he plummeted that short distance to the dirt.

I look to Pat who had his mouth covered by his own hand. He looked to me with fearful eyes. I sighed and nodded to him. I assume he knew what I was gesturing about.

I pick up the snoozing cola smelling boy next to me... He smelt like cola so bad. Disgusting. I sigh, beginning to run towards the air craft they landed for us.

I heard a long painful groan from behind. Knowing it was the eyeless boy I kept running. I hear Pat scream. I skid to stop, a few steps from the plane. "Pat?"

My eyes widen as I turn to see a monster, one black eye, purple rings around it's horns and otherwise it was coal black. I remain in awe for only a few seconds before grabbing the rifle again. Damnit, I thought the leader really lost it. But he was right about everything.

The groan that had formed into a mighty roar ended. Smoke lifting from his limbs and eye. A begin shooting at the beast. The enemy that tried to shoot us off tried to shoot down this creature.

Not knowing how this could get worse I begin shooting. I look to Pat who was standing in a mix of fear and awe. I yell to him "Pat, get away now!"

Both the monster and my associate look to me. The monster then looked to my friend and seemingly grinned. He reached out and grabbed him.

Of course Pat didn't react, he's like a statue when he gets scared like this. Before I react I pass Edward to our substitute flight captain I shake in rage, I bolt through the rubble, jumping over a broken wall. Tears falling out the corners of my eyes.

I jump off a fridge that fell from one of the rooms. Using the monsters horns to latch on to whatever monster this was. I breathe to try and fix this adrenaline I wasn't used to. I look to Pat who was staring up at me with bright eyes, still shedding tears.

I growl before jabbing this beast in the eye with the nose of my gun, it was like a goo or slush. Then firing repeatedly. Large screams of pain came from the once human creature.

The bright shades of orange could be seen from in the eye.

It fell backwards. Before it hit the ground I grab Patryk by his arms and jumped for it.



I dunno how to write action scenes.

I know that this story will center around tom and Tord but expect a lot of paultryk and maybe even some eddmatt if ya'll thirsty readers want -v-

Anyway, tell me what you think and all that~ <3

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