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It's been quiet for a while, no sign of anyone or anything. I use this time to advance throughout the hospital. The weirdest thing is how empty this place is, you'd at least expect one person wondering around checking on the patients.

Wondering past one of the torture chambers they call mental health, the smell of death is more apparent. Looking over to the hallway, I see two bloody hunched over bodies in lab coats. They were undoubtedly therapists.

Not bothering to check the bodies I have a look at the controls. The door was open and the torture table as I call it had no one on it. One of the bodies had a clipboard in hand, I forcefully snatch it. "yadayada... Patryk Dudulewicz... Wait, Pat?"

The hell? This is Pat's room, he must've left. What if he's hurt, or worse? The thoughts flood my mind, did he kill these people? He wouldn't... What if whatever killed them kills him?! "Hey Paul" A British voice greets.

I spin around, throwing the clip board like a boomerang at that direction. It hit Jordan in the chest, delaying a flinch "Agh, why?!". Edd watched Jordan lean on the wall in agony. Was that accident? Maybe, do I regret it? Of course, not.

"Huh, there you two are... What happened to both of you?" I notice they look a little more beat up, not dangerously. But just like they got scratched up. Edd shrugged, looking to the side with an embarrassed expression.

"Jordan, what did you do?" I turn my gaze over to him, he was feeling where he got hit with the board. "What?! Nothing... We just got a little... startled?" He looked over to Edd for help... What the hell?

It stays un naturally quiet, with the two of them baring a red coating over their faces "Uhh-" I was about to question them but the red head stopped me immediately "Oh hey, what do you know! Literally anything else!" He pointed to the dead bodies behind me.

(SHORT A/N: I'll write what happened later in the other story on my page)

Edd flinched, covering his mouth and nose in shock. I turn around, just now noticing the static coming off the bodies "Holy crap..." Edd muttered quietly. I turn to look at the bodies "This was Pat's health room", I explain.

"More like death room" Jordan snickers while he walks past me to the control panel, he randomly started poking the buttons. I growl as a warning which he noticed, but put on a un-regretting smile on. What a little shit eater.

Edd walked closer to the therapists "What happened to those two?" I think of something that wouldn't traumatise this child "Red leader was probably here" That sounds alright. Never mind he's horrified.

"Uh, Red head, check inside" I point to the door of the health room which is behind me. He glares at me, confused as ever "What, why didn't you look in?".

"I was waiting for you to show up" I cross my arms,

The shit glares at me "You know, I really don't like you" He walks past me, purposely walking into me. I watch him the whole time. He goes into the room, I flip him off at the last second.

Edd and myself watch through the one-sided glass. Edd poked the button for the speaker "Be careful, Jord-!"

"He can't hear you, the power's off" I stop him.

He takes his finger off the button, ashamed he started fiddling with his fingers. I take the silence to think, is Pat ok, why the hell are Jordan and Eddward friends, is red leader nearby?


"Hey, Edd check this out!" Jordan calls through the glass, I watch him. He smiles cheerily before picking up a metal pipe and throwing it into the air, it flew straight towards the table and landed on it, staying in that place.

Cool! I laugh slightly, brightly smiling. He proudly smiled back before making his way out of the room.


I'm snapped out of my internal investigation by tooth-gap "Looks like Patryk got zapped real as therapy... Probably why those guys got death as theirs" He crossed his arms as he explained.



Edd budded in from behind, jumping to the side so he could be seen "What do you mean 'got zapped for therapy'?" Oh right... He doesn't get it. I glance to Jordan, he clearly doesn't want to explain seeing how he's looking to the side, probably remembering when he was there. I was too, it hurt.

I sigh "Edd, therapy here is more of a torturing method" I glance to the green hoodied boy. His eyes slowly widen, then switch between the two of us. He stutters, trying to think of a question or follow-up. I interrupt his babble "Let's just go find Pat and get out of here" I walk past Jordan and start going a different path.


I glance back over to Edd, he was watching me like I just died or I got shot. I shrug, smiling and trying to keep a good vibe up "Hah, shocking isn't it?" I drag out, with less enthusiasm then I was expecting. This doesn't change his expression, maybe he looks a little less shocked and more upset "Jordan, did you really go through this?"

I sigh, looking to the side. I give a side smile on the stitched-up side of my mouth "Let's go find Patryk and get out of here". He looks like he's about to cry... Crud, what the heck do I do?

His voice cracks a bit "I-I'm sorry". He has tears in his eyes. He steps closer, holding his arm and looking down at the floor.

"No, no.. Please, don't be. Wasn't your fault and you didn't know" I wave my hand around like I'm swatting a fly. In this case, the fly is Edd's feelings.

I hear him sniffle, he grabs and hugs me from around the waist because of his and my height. Crud, not again, Friendly contact is so awkward for me. In my flinch, I chuckle awkwardly and lightly push Edd off me from his shoulder "Hey, hey, it's alright. Let's just go find Patryk and get out of here".

He wipes his eyes, looking back up at me. He smiled crookedly. He made a small noise of agreement. I smile brightly to assure him, I begin walking the same way as Paul, waiting for Edd to catch up every now and again.



Feeeeelings. Cus why not.

Poor Eddo, he doesn't understand.

Sorry for slow updates, I'm still on holidays (aND I HATE IT)

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