Should've Listened

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I keep my hood on, growling still. This time, I will kill him. No doubts about it, I hate him so much, even more than before. I hit the floor with my foot, which the idiot told me to do. The slide up was making me more pissed off. Because Tord made it.

The doors slid open once my level was reached. The lights are off, shit. I keep my guard up, remembering what happened last time. The lights spring on after another step forward. Flinching me into a 'fight me' stance. "Larrson!" I scream.

No one's here. I bottled, riled up, kinda forced all my anger up and he isn't even here?! This is bull crap, the one time I actually wanted to see him he's gone. What am I meant to do in the mean time? How long is he going to be? I want to kill him. I want to see him...

To kill him... I know! I can plan how I'll taunt him before I murder him... Let's just hope he's not a masochist, he might be. What even offends him? I'll have to think about this for a bit.


After we ate... Wait no, we're still eating. Well, we took the cereal box with us, Paul wanted to find Patryk because the meeting he went to was over. I hope he still cares about Patryk. It's sad what happened to him.

Edd loudly eats cereal next to me like "nyam, nyam nyam". He does that too often. Is it annoying? Nah, not yet. He's having a good breakfast so that's good.

Paul keeps walking, reaching the end of the long rows of little houses. "Hey, I'm back!" I hear Patryk call from a distance. Edd and I look the way of the voice. Patryk jogged over to us all. "Sorry, had to have a meeting"

"Was Tord there?" Edd asked, still chewing on some breakfast

Patryk nodded a bit "Yes, he was. Why do you ask?"

Edd hesitated a bit before snickering a bit "Well, Tom was with us just before".

"Ah, I see" Patryk nodded, looking over to Paul who was smiling at something.

He chuckled once before bringing it back up "Poor kid, Red leader started flirting with him over the loud speaker". He crossed his arms, looking to the side as if the memory was just next to him.

Patryk blushed slightly and giggled "Oh dear" He poorly hid his smile behind his hand.

"Ahh!" I scream at the thought of the two of them being together. It's so disturbing to think of.

Edd tries to hide his giggle behind his hand. Aww, Edd is happy. Glad he found a way to be happy here. Suddenly his look changes when he looks over to the shooting range. I knew what he was staring at. It was that guy from last night. He gave off a really bad vibe. I didn't like it one bit.

Patryk seemed to notice his glance "Edward, is something wrong?"

Edd pointed lazily to the red head who was making his way to the range. "He was the person from last night".

Paul looked over, his mood changing as well. I think, Paul is hard to read, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. Patryk sighs, "Yes, he is" His mood changed so drastically.

"Who is he?" Edd kept his eye on the red head. I watch Edd watching him, occasionally looking over to Patryk who looked rather pestered "That's Jorden, he has some issues around... Everyone" Paul explained.

Edd looked over to them both "Everyone?"

This made Patryk look to the ground, in a depressed or thoughtful way. "He... Isn't very respectable now"

This is starting to get me curious, Patryk is purposely trying not to explain for whatever reason. "Now? What happened?" I raise an eyebrow.

Patryk growled a bit "It doesn't matter, he's like that now and no one talks to him because he is a nosey, rude, cowardly bastard" He started ranting, ending in a huff.

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