Let's Play Pretend!

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A small groan of pain wakes me up. Matt is where I left him, his head on my lap and in the cat like position. position. Only now he seems more curled up now. "M-matt, are you ok?"

"I'm not feelin' too chipper.." He replied, his voice so forced to sound positive.

I help him sit up, keeping him up with one of my hands. I look him in the eye, he takes a while to notice what I was not verbally saying. "I suppose drinking may not of been the greatest idea" He suggested, he looked off to the side "I suppose.."

In a sigh I help him on the bed, he covers his mouth like he's trying not to throw up. I lie him down, feel his temperature "Yeesh Matt you're on fire!" I pull my hand away. He panics, sitting up quickly a look of fear in his eyes "I am?!" He checks himself quickly.

I can't help but giggle "N-no, Matt I mean you're hot. Like you've got a fever!" I help him lie back down since moving too quick makes him want to throw up. Poor Matt! He didn't even drink that much, he's way too weak to alcohol.

He makes a small whimper like noise. "Oh Matt, why did you even drink in the first place?" I ask, generally worried and curious. "Me and Damien were having a celebratory drink" He said in a depressed tone. Also poor grammar but I'll let him slide.

"Celebrating?" I tilt my head to the side, sitting at the foot of the bed. Matt feels his face for himself, getting a little surprised "Well, you see Damien-" He stops. Thinking for a moment "Everyone was depressed so we were drinking".

"You were celebrating depression?"

He gives a thumbs up with a cute smile and wink "Yup!" His hand drops and he already looks completely tired, like he's ran a fifty-lap run. "Well, I'll go see if I can get you anything for you. Want any breakfast?" I ask.

His stomach makes a noise at the mention of food.

I wink purposely like a dork and give a thumbs up "Gotcha!" I jump up, walk over to Matt and kiss his cheek. I dunno why I did but I'm in that sweetheart mood today. His eyes widen and he blushes up. But I walk over to the door and Matt calls out "W-wait, you'll be back. R-right?"

I turn around, what kind of question is that? Why wouldn't I come back soon? "Of course, Matt" I say trying to reassuring to him "Get rest and I'll get meds!" I jump outside. Feeling cheery, like today is going to be a good day.

Even though my day starts with my best bud being sick. I walk down the path, turning into more of a skip actually. Paul would know something about medication and hangovers, right? I'll ask Tom if he doesn't. He's either drunk or hungover.

A bunch of whispering gets my attention. I turn over and see a crowd around what is clearly a dead body. I walk over, looking amongst the people. There were a few others around a part of the barrier that was obviously broken. With static, more purple burn marks across a jagged line.

That once good feeling in my chest, fuelling my happy thoughts gets a sour tone. A warm feeling goes around my shoes. The smell of death rising, I flinch and make a small noise when I see the blood spreading onto my shoes.

"Hva i helvete er det som skjer her?" A familiar voice yells. The sound of crunching dirt alarms me. I step back and look over. Tord... Everyone makes room for their 'Red Leader'. He looks furious, stomping to the crowd with his jaw and fists clenched.

He looks at the body, then over to the breaking barrier. He growls and sighs "Faen er bare å få mer fucked opp hver dag..." He sighs, looking to the body with a small red fire in his eyes. He violently kicks the body with his boot. Again, then again, repeating this cycle until the snapping turned to crunching, then a slush like noise. Blood splattering everywhere. Even my hoodie and jeans getting caught in the explosions of gore.

There is no doubt that whoever this was, they tried to escape. I've been watching this poor strangers head which has been reduced to a cracked open melon with its pink liquids flooding the area. Tord lightly places his boot on the head of this man. I looked at him in the face, blood covered, completely bland but also angry at the same time. He was watching me with those dead eyes. "Now, let's play pretend, shall we?"

It's strange how he switched to English. But I know that he's meaning to talk to me. "Let's pretend..." He thinks where to start "That this here gentleman, is you" He kicks the body lighter this time. "And you tried to get out of the base... Out of the Army". He looks at me again.

"Now let's pretend this man. Who is you, is alive" He looks at the body, a smile curling on his face. He places his boot on the body of the man again.

It's quiet for a while, the head explodes when Tord suddenly applied the unthinkable amount of pressure onto what was left of his skull. Blood explodes like when you jump on a juice box. He switches from this half hunched over pose to a proper, hand behind back which is as straight as a line. "Continue your day, and someone dispose of this disgrace" He made a look of disgust at the body, and doing a 'shooing' motion with his hand.

My grip on my chest hasn't changed from how deathly tight it is. Tord watches me as he walks past me, glaring intensely. I heard his footsteps stop "By the way, Edd" His accent thickening in this line. I turn around, waiting for a threat.

He turns around with a bright, catlike smile "Tom says hi!"

This gives me a chill more than comfort. We share a long stare with the lingering feeling of hatred, mistrust and fear. He giggles, his smile getting brighter and his pupils shrinking before he turns and walks off. The sound of dripping blood and organs making me feel sick... The splotchy sound, the squelching, everything.

I don't want to look...


This was fun to write.

It's short but I'm lazy, I'll update another chapter tomorrow.


I probably could have celebrated this on a better chapter...

Oh well.

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