With you

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"Paul! Paul! Paul!" Patryk calls. After rubbing my eyes, I see Pat floating around like usual. He's smiling which is something rare now. "Morning, Pat" I greet, he floats down, still hovering just above the ground. "Sleep well?" I ask, chuckling a little.

"I do not sleep, just close my eyes to pretend" He replied fluently. We stare at each other for a long time. "Pat, you can talk... Well, more fluently now?"

He shrugs, smiling a little and made a small 'mhm' noise. I stand up, hugging him as well. It takes him a while to hug back. "Oh yeah, Pat" I pull away, he tilts his head.

"What was with that freak out yesterday?" I question, "Was it because of the barrier?"

His eyes grow more squinted or tired "Yes... Someone was manually affecting the barrier"

"I take it you don't know who?" We keep our hold on each other's hands. He sighs, shaking his head "No, sorry..."

"No, don't be. I'm just glad- It's good to talk to you again" I hug him again, something this time felt melancholy. Pat didn't hug back this time so I pulled away "Pat? Are you alright?" He looks up, looking surprised. "I-I am alright".

He floats a little further up. I'll have to admit that his voice sounds different, a little softer, lower and just a hint of a gravely tone. "Right, I'll be back later. I'll get you some breakfast. How about it?"

"Thank you, but putting things in my body would probably kill me" He replied to calmly. It's quiet for a while, admittedly awkward too "Oh, well. I'll be back then". I walk back a little.

He waves tiredly, looking depressed again. I try to take my mind off it and go up. The door unlocked when I got to it, when I opened it I saw Damien and Jordan both sitting on the same chair. Damien was sitting with his feet on the button and Jordan was asleep in Damien's lap while leaning on his chest as well.

"Sup gaywads" I greet.

Damien shushes me before whispering "He sleeps". He slid his foot off the button and snuggled his weird dorkish crush. "So, what if I woke him up right now?" I pull up a wheelie chair which is where Jordan would have been.

"I'd drag you down to the sixth layer of hell, kitkat" He replies in a calm voice, holding Jordan tighter. I just nod along, it's quiet for a bit. Now is the time "Hey, Jord-"

"Sluit je lul zuigen gat, Paul!" Damien screams. Jordan jutted awake, "Agh, dame what the heck?" He groaned as he rubbed his eye with his palm. He's clearly not fully awake since he hasn't had a panic attack. "So, did you two have fun last night?" I smirk to back up my comment.

"Uhh, I don't-" Jordan decides to look around and wake up. He immediately turns red, let's go of Damien and falls off the chair and makes a squeak or shriek. He stayed on the floor. Rest in peace Jordan. "The woodpecker was trying to" Damien gestured to the red head.

Jordan flushed, panicking "What the heck, Dame?! W-what? Did you let me drink or something?!"

Damien sunk into his chair "What answer will get me killed?" He put his hands together, pointing them at Jordan slightly. "I won't kill you-" Damien cut Jordan off.

"Yes, I did. Also you were trying to make me give you the sex" Damien replied quickly. If I was drinking anything it would've been spat out. Instead I start wheezing because oh my god, Damien. Jordan stood up with the reddest face I've seen him with yet.

He pushed Damien who started screaming when his chair moved away. Not even that quickly "Jack, you fuck!" He cursed. Jordan jumped on Damien, making the chair fall back. Realising his mistake, they held each other and screamed as the chair slowly fell back.

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