Questions and Awnsers

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The coffee brewed and we were all sitting down awkwardly, it stayed quiet as we waited for Yuu to speak up. Eventually Paul nudged him, signalling him to start "Oh right, um. Hi, I'm Yuu" He stopped staring at his cup and started introducing himself to us like in a classroom.

Matt even replied like we were still in by responding with "Hi, Yuu". We all look at him, he shrinks back into the space between the cabinets "It's automatic!" He says, sounding distressed.

"Oh dear, It's alright!" Yuu covered his smile like he was about to laugh. Mom friend 2.0?! I can get used to this quickly. "So, Yuu. You were a soldier here?" I try to start him off.

"Damn skippy, I was" He says in another bright tone. Is he using slang? Oh geez. "I was Partners with Paul here" he pulled Paul into a side hug and he started hissing and pushed Yuu off him. He crossed his arms and started pouting "That was the case until the partner system was suspended" Paul added, getting grouchy.

Yuu started to fiddle with his fingers "Well yes, but. We were" He looked extremely innocent for a second there as he glanced to the side with a small smile. It's been five minutes but I want to adopt this man. "Is that before Tord decided to take the spotlight?" Tom asked.

He took a drink from his mug making a small 'mhm'. After he finished his short drink spoke again "You must be close to Red Leader than" He gestures his mug to Tom. I glance over to him to see his reaction- He's starting to blush up and get angry. "Scuse me?" Tom glares subtly.

"Only the closest of his soldiers and assistance can call him by his first name" Yuu says, tilting his head a little. I notice Paul snickering a little behind his mug before speaking up "Yeah, they're really close if you catch on" He nudged Yuu's side who just kept that small smile.

"They're friends?" He asked. I snicker a little at his innocence.

Paul rolled his eyes "More than that".

"Best friends!" Yuu clapped, "Oh, joy. I was worried someone as sin-ister the Red leader would never have a friend". Well he's sort of right. Wait, did he just make a pun?

"Thomas, would you like to explain it?" Paul smirked, gesturing to Tom who was sitting next to me on the floor. He glared at Paul who was so proud of himself. Yuu waited with innocent eyes.

We watch Tom who was sweating a little bit as he tried to shrink away as well. "Uh, say Yuu, how did you get all the way from England to Norway?" He changed the subject instead. Paul seemed disappointed and grumpy. So, he just looked like the regular Paul.

"Good question, Tom! After a long time of wondering around the towns I noticed a giant robot falling from the sky" He starts. I start remembering that day, feeling a wave of sadness go over. Matt put his hand on my shoulder, waking me up from my flashback. "So around there I did searching for a red army plane that I could return to".

"How'd that go?" Paul asked, swirling his cup around.

Yuu sighed, "Not great, I didn't get onto a plane but I saw red army soldiers and even the red leader. I think- At an apartment building" Yuu explains before adding on "It was night, I couldn't tell".

"That was our building!" Matt calls out louder than expected.

"I see, good thing you weren't in there when it blew up" His tone brightens at the mention of explosions. Putting me off a little. I rest my face in my hands, hating how I have to remember both my homes and my friend I'd lost. "Oh Edd, I'm sorry!" Yuu started panicking.

"Wow, good job, you pringle" Paul insulted, a hint of actual anger in his voice.

Yuu put his fists up and puffed his cheeks up "Fight me, you egg".

(A/N: Shakespeare reference)

"Can you please not fight" I say weakly, feeling drained already. Out of nowhere Yuu's backpack he brought in shuffled a little and fell over. 'mroaw' the bag spoke. Matt screamed and held me. Yuu jumped off the counter, propping the bag back up "Oh goodness, I almost forgot about you".

He opened the bag and an ever so familiar cat face popped out. "Ringo!" I crawl over and pick him out from the bag, he had bandaging around his stomach, leg and over the left side of his face. "Oh, he must be yours then" Yuu sounded pleased "He was under some rubble from your place of residence. Which is now perished"

I hug my cat friend, ignoring what Yuu was saying. Both Matt and Tom shuffle over to have a look. I glance to Yuu "Thank you.." I say, feeling tears in my eyes.

"Please, thank Mee" He responds.

"Uhh, what?"

He tenses up "Not important".

I go to sit back down, holding Ringo close to me. "I'll bet all my money that you were going to eat that cat", Paul says as he crossed his arms.

Yuu laughed and shrugged "Good thing we're in a communist army then" He started laughing like it was a normal joke, we all cringe at him. The cinnamon roll has a dark humor... Oh. "Jesus Yuu, when did you get the dark humor?!" Paul asks, sounding peeved and distressed.

"Since I shot innocent ill children with diseases and my friend, escaped an illegal army with a sex offending leader, had to live out a zombie apocalypse lived under a bridge with little to no food and had to steal, kill and not to mention do horrid things for money" He explained, his eyes slowly parting ways as he explained.

Paul cringed, looking the other way. Like when someone comes around with a charity bucket asking for money. It's quiet for a while as Yuu seems to have a flashback, his eyes twitching frequently. I tried to change the subject to something hopefully lighter "So, you were friends with Jordan?"

They choked on their drink before speaking up "You know Jordan?"

I smile sidely "Yeah, we're kinda friends". In under two seconds their face lights up, having a cat smile and sparkly eyes and he tries to clap, dropping his mug which breaks on the floor "Oh no! I'm sorry!" He called to the shards.

He looked up, traumatised before making an 'ahem' sound. "I was going to say; That's joyous!" They clap their hands together "I was so worried how he'd be with me 'disappearing' suddenly" He used quotation marks with his fingers.

In the corner of my eye I noticed Paul sliding away, wide eyed and looking guilty. "W-was he alright?" Yuu asked, a guilt tripping amount of worry in his eyes.

I glance to Matt and Tom who clearly having the same ideas. Tom through his teeth growled "Paul, you've been around longer than us. How was Jordan?"

Paul flinched as he was helping Patryk who was asleep still off the counter, he was wide eyed and he looked over to us, who were watching him just as intensely. "Yeah, Yeah. He's been fine. Hey, how about we go back and say hello". Wow, Paul really is bad at acting.

"Oh that would be lovely!" Yuu responded, I guess he's just really gullible. He jumped off the counter, crackling the shards more "Ah, sorry!" He apologised again. We're all guilty of that so I'm not even mildly weirded out. I see Matt do it all the time.

"Cool" Paul fake emphasised, pulling Patryk off the counter and struggling to hold him up. Yuu runs over to help him, he picks him up by the opposing shoulder. I stand up, holding Ringo in my hoodie where he decided to crawl, his face poking out of the neck-hole.

We start walking back over, shivering at the cold winds. I wrap my arm around Matt's and lean on him, with Tom walking just by me.


While walking by Yuu, I decided to try and communicate. "I didn't hear much of Mee back there". Yuu's eyes twitch, flicking over to Mee. "People disgust me" He says in a tired, grouchy tone. I let myself chuckle at that one.


I just added that little Mee and Paul bit because I though it'd be cute.

Well, yay. One long and explanatory chapter. You can learn more about the satanic angel Yuu and Mee. The question is, who's who?

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