What Happened to us

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I groan, all I can see his black. I panic, "Larrson, what did you do?!" I freak like I've been bitten by a rabid infected racoon.

I hear a familiar Norwegian themed laugh, I growl and look in that direction "What did you do?!" He laughed even harder to the point where he sounded like it he couldn't breath "T-tom, open your eyes!" He get's out before laughing again.

I blush a bit, I didn't try to open my eyes and blamed Tord. I open my eyes to see myself sitting in a bed, I was in a small room with another chair that had a communist sitting and watching me with an amused half lidded look. There was a book shelf behind him too. The room was orange with the sunset's tinge.

"Evening there" He was resting his face on his robotic arm which you can only imagine he got from the crash. I kept staring, looking at my surrounding again encase there was a giant robot or someone with a rifle behind me.

Tord raised an eyebrow, speaking again "Enjoying the view?" He grinned a bit. He looked at me a bit "Because I am". I squint before looking down- I had bandages across my upper chest and shoulder and wait- where the fuck is my hoodie... And shirt?! I scream and grab the white sheet on my bed and covering myself with it.

The Norwegian laughed again, hitting his knee with his metal hand, which he appeared to regret after, he looked at his hand, glaring at it. "What did you do to my clothes you shit?!"

"Haha, relax, Tom, they're just getting washed" He smiled toothily, showing off his fangs. I growl again. Glaring at the creep before me.

He had one eye open at me "Don't look at me like that, I put those bandages on myself... I did rather well if I do say so~" he looked smugly to the side.

My eyes widen, still bearing a snarl "You fucking touched me?!". Tord smiled behind his hand before moving his hand onto the chair's arm. He had this smug face, it sort of smug but less smugieness??

I took this moment to fully examine his new look. He had light scars on the side of his face, an eyepatch, red boots, and a long denim coat with pointed edges at the bottom.

Did I do this to him? All those scars, busted eye and a missing arm is because of me? I may or may not be the slightest bit guilty.

Tord got up, causing me to flinch. He stretched, how long was he waiting for me to wake up? The devil horned bastard walked over to me, reaching to hold my face. I hiss at him like a cat. He stops, giggled a bit then dove in to kissed my cheek, just below my left eye.

I was left wide eyed. He pet the hair that stuck out from the sheet. "Get some rest, I don't want you passing out again" He turned away, making his way to the door, he stopped in the door way, not looking my way "You know, Tom, for someone who passed out from blood loss you're blushing way too much".

"What?!" I shout as he leaves the room. I hear his mad laughter echo from down what I assume is a hall. I reach my face, which is another blush away from burning right off. In an embarrassed fit I face plant into my pillow and scream curses. Fucking communists.


It's dark outside, the plane shook every so often. Edd already cried himself asleep so I put him onto the other fold out bed. So now I'm sorta just staring at the ceiling. I feel bad for it all, I don't remember Tord at all in the past. Still though, I remember what he did when he was in our old house last. He wrecked my home, my face and my friends... Edd.

I wish that I knew Tord better, then I'd feel something. Then I could empathise with Edd, maybe not feel so alone now that Tom is who knows where.

I'm still sitting with my thoughts for a while more before I hear the fold out bed flip up. I turn my hed which is still crowded by my arms which are crossed behind my head. Edd is standing by my bed. "Edd, you ok?"

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