Undone Explanation

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~Edd's P.O.V~

My eyes slowly open. Looking around at my surroundings. Still on the plane I feel two arms on me. One in my hair and the other around my waist. I bend my head up and see a sleeping Matt. I smile, lightly headbutting his chest, I hear his heart beat, I smile a bit more. I hear a light knock on the door. I turn my head just enough to see it.

It opened slightly "Eddward?" I hear a familiar voice "It's Patryk, can I come in?" I panic a bit to sit up properly so he doesn't get the wrong idea. "Y-yeah come in".

Patryk slid in through the door. "Oh, was I interrupting something?" He looked at Matt then at me, blushing a bit. I wave my hand around like swatting away a fly "No, no, you're fine".

"That's good" Patryk looked out the door before closing it. He was obviously scared or wary of something. "P-patryk?" I ask, wondering if he's ok. He nods, his eyes franticly searching the room.

"What's up?" I stand up, encase he was about to tell me to run or something. "Can you wake up your friend, I know what Tord wants with Thomas... It would be better if you both knew" He whispered nearing the end.

I nod, shaking Matt's arm. He groaned before sitting up sleepily "N-no.. My beauty sleep" is the only thing I could make out. "Matt, this is important. Pay attention".

He rubs his eyes and listens. Another person opens the door. Paul walks in and closes the door behind him, looking much calmer than Patryk when he entered.

"Alright, so it seems we have found out what Tord wanted with your friend" Paul leaned against the wall and watched Patryk. He sighed, sitting in the desk chair. "You may want to sit down for this"

I felt another strong tug on my heart, I drop to the bed. Listening anxiously. Patryk sighed, holding his hands together "A month ago when Tord got shot out of the sky by Thomas... Something changed... Mentally" He looked to Paul to help him "He started acting off.. We mean more off than usual too" he added.

Patryk nodded, "So we took him to our doctors and it seems that he.." Patryk covered his mouth as if he was about to cry.

Paul walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder "Tord may of hit his head a little too hard on the way down from the top". He finished for him.

Matt was watching with wide eyes. I've never seen him so concerned before. I look back to the two "So what does that have to do with Tom?"

The speaker went off "Will everyone please report to the main deck, we'll be landing in around ten minutes". Paul and Patryk were looking at the speaker above Matt's bed.

"We'll explain later, meet us at this address after we land" Paul grabbed a pen from the desk and a piece of paper he just ripped off. "7-6-2" It read.

He gave the paper to me then pulled out a gun, aiming it directly at my chest. I feel fear strike through like a dart. "We need to make this look real, so c'mon"

Patryk wiped his eyes "We can't let Tord know we had this conversation". Matt grabbed onto my sleeve, scared.


"Wake up, sleepy~" I hear in a thick Norwegian accent. I groan, knowing who it was. "Fuck off". Tord pouted and whined "Don't be like that, I left you your friend, and besides we're landing soon".

I wonder what he meant by my friend. I open one of my eyes and was jump scared by Tord's face inches away from mine. I freak out and sit up instantly. I feel a similar soft plush. I look to my hand. "Tommy bear!" I exclaim as a cheer. I pull the bear into a hug, I haven't seen him in so long.

I hear Tord chuckle, I turn to him, He has both of his hands together, he looked pleased. I couldn't say I wasn't happy with his 'gift'. "Well, Your hoodie was left nice and clean for you on the end of your bed, just for you" He was acting so nice.. And happy to see me, it was so terrifying. "Why are you being so nice to me now?" I raise an eyebrow.

He opened his eyes, looking confused "Why Tom, it's how I show I care about you. Isn't that what gifts are for?" He tilted his head. I wave my hand around "No, no. I mean, ever since you kidnapped me it's like.. I dunno, you're not disgusted with my very existence".

"Tom" I hear Tord say apathetically.

"Not even a month ago you tried to kill me with missiles and all my friends!" I stand up, pointing at Tord.

"Tom... I don't like where this conversation is going" He closes his eyes. His eyebrows tensing up.

"It's like, what, do you like me or something?!" I shout. As soon as those final words left my mouth I felt a pressure against the edge of my jaw.

Tord was pointing a gun at my jaw, his finger on the trigger. I stare at him wide eyed. Tord glared at me, his pupils dilating and shrinking in an overly quick manner. "R-right, thank you for clearing that up".

Tord put the gun down slowly then into a pocket of his belt "Good, now get changed, we're landing soon."

I nod, my heart beating inhumanly fast. I grab my clean hoodie then look to Tord who was coated with a shade of red, squinting a bit "You don't have to watch me get changed you know". Obviously not listening. He was biting his lip. I swear to god I saw drool. Following his eyes, I notice he was staring at my mother fucking boxers.

"Get out"


Ahh, so cute, baby beans. So precious and gay.

Hope ya liked that cliff hanger and SAO abridged reference I made.

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