Frickin Oops

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The whole way to the Invention room Tord held my hand, pretty much pulling me like before... And actually, like always... That's right other stuff has been happening. It's not just everything happening in the span of four or five days. The fuckin' Author is just someone who hates writing filler as much as watching it. Besides the point, we've arrived at the invention room.

Tord kicks open the door, yelling something in Norwegian as the door was still swinging open. Everyone there flinched. Edd was sitting on a table with Jordan and Paul next to him, they look at us like we've just killed someone. Edd doesn't have his hood on, man I have not seen that 'smeg head' shirt in ages.

Tord lets go of my hand and walks in. He holds both hands behind his back, failing to hide the briefcase. Paul jumps off the table, both of them looking really pissed off and protective while Edd just looks horrified. Hold on, where's Matt?

I walk over and sit on the opposing side of Edd and smile as a greeting. He stares at me with the same terrified look. Did Tord do something? God damn communist. Both Jordan and Paul give Tord a sharp glare, Paul looks more badass because of the cigarette in his mouth while Jordan trying to look threatening is pointless... Poor Tooth-gap child.

Tord slammed the briefcase on the table, making some of the papers on the table fly up for a second. "Du kan løse selv ved å fikse dette. forstått?" He sounded firm, staring Jordan down. He glared for a few more seconds before getting off the table and holding out his hand to take the case. "Sure, vil det bli gjort av i morgen senest ..." Jordan replied.

As Tord was handing the case he stopped, glaring sharper. He seemed to be picking up on the random hatred. "Har du et problem?" Tord asked, his eyebrow raised. Jordan glanced to Edd then back at Tord with an evil grin "Bare hvis du gjør" Tord made a small 'tch' sound as a response before dropping the case. Making Jordan panic a little because he didn't know how heavy it was.

Tord turned to me, still glaring for another half a second at Jordan before smiling at me "Well, be back later. Stay safe!" He waved his substitute hand before walking out. But I didn't hear the door close "Tord, leave" I call out, not even needing to turn around.

I heard him giggle "Ok, I'm going now! Bye sweetie". Oh, that fuck. Instead of screaming like I wanted to, I just growled. "Aww" Paul cooed in his apathetic tone. I flip him off and he gives a thumbs-up back. Edd lets off one giggle. "Edd, are you ok... Well, duh you're not. But what's up?"

"I saw... Tord, kill someone... Well, not really 'kill'... They just mutilated a corpse... By stepping in them and-" Edd stops and gags before covering his mouth. His eyes start to tear up. Paul and Jordan flinch. Edd waves his hand up and down to signal he's fine.

Shit... "Is Matt ok?" A moment of fear goes through.

Edd nods, He weakly says "He's just sick". His face is slightly green. He was about to vomit for sure. At least we're alright. "Wait, where's the other one?" Yes, I pretend not to know his name. Jordan responds almost instantly "He's keeping an eye on Patryk... Probably". Well yeah, he'd know. Oh, shit yeah Patryk... Almost forgot him.

"Oh yeah, you didn't explain what happ-" I get cut off by Paul who had a delayed moment of realisation. "Shit, we left Damien with Pat?!"

Jordan shrugged, petting Edd on the head "Well yeah.."

Paul made a growl-like scream before running off down the hall. "What-" I just give up when both Edd and Jordan get up and leave. So, I follow, crossing my arms to show I'm pissed. "The hell are you doing?!" Paul shouts. Jordan jumps and skids across the last few steps. His expression changes instantly. "Damien what the heck?!"

God damnit, Damien. The goggled crazy bastard spins around to wave "Hola!" He exclaims. This room which is something like you'd see in a lunatic asylum. Patryk who looked static-y just like when I saw him last was being held by robotic hands that were similar to Tord's arm were holding him just in view of the window, with some of the arms with weapons that seem extremely gory or violent.

Patryk is screaming clearly; the room is soundproof. "Damien what the fuck are you doing?!" Paul repeats in a way more furious tone while staring at his screaming friend. Are they friends? I don't even know. "Oh yeah, your boyfriend has seemed to develop a strange and probably radioactive substance in his arm" Damien starts, sounding way to casual about this. "And as a white male I will destroy, break and burn anything I do not understand". Right after he said that he smashed a button on the panel.

The arms tighten their grip two more arms appear from the ceiling and pull up the sleeve on his jacket. A black substance that looks like it's part of the skin grows stronger. I hear Edd gagging again before running off. What the hell is that? Paul loosens his tenseness in his shoulders. "Pat?" His voice goes quiet and confused. "What the hell is that?!"

Damien keeps this smile like he's enjoying this whole situation, he shrugs lazily. "I tried to check, but that arm is as hard as-"

"Damien!" Jordan calls him, already aware of the dick joke incoming.

"A rock... Like an andesit" Damien tilted his head.

Jordan glared at him from the dark hallway. He knows what he's doing.

Paul shook a little, "C-can we help him?" He looked to Damien.

He shook his head "Oh, I tried. He broke my shit. That shit" Damien glared the pretty much passed out Patryk. Paul stared at him helplessly or in disbelief. Damien growled, probably rolling his eyes. "Look, I'll show you" He put his hand on one of the buttons and smashed it. "See? Jesus, no one believes me-".

He stops, we all stop. The knife that was being used for the example went straight through his arm. From nowhere I get a stabbing pain in my arm. I make a hiss sound and hold where it hurt. Probably one of those things where you see something painful on TV and feel it. Damien was stuck in a smile with all the regret in his face. Paul covered his mouth, Jordan went wide eyed.

Patryk shot awake, screaming intensely without us hearing the actual sound. The liquid dripping from the knife's blade was purple and red, both separate on the metal weapon. "Damien stop pressing the button!" Jordan screamed. We all look at Damien who was just spamming the button with the same face. Paul grabbed Damien's wrist and pried him off it.

Paul was furious, tears in his eyes and his mouth in a toothy snarl "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Damien slowly shrugged, his eyebrows getting higher as his shoulders did too. He growled before trying to punch Damien in the face, but received his wrist being bitten. Paul seems to just be weirded out. "Yeah, ya won't try that, again will you?" Damien taunted.

Paul growled again before raising his leg and kicking in between Damien's legs. He hissed and as he fell to the floor the screamed "Curse tiny people!". To keep up with the theme Paul kicked the button on the panel that opened the room. The arms dropped Patryk and hid away in the walls.

Jordan walked over to Damien who was on the floor still. "You ok there?" The sane one asks, not sounding that worried. Damien held onto his lover's shoe like a child would. Jordan just pressed his shoe against his face, not like kicking him. Damien started chewing on his shoe with little weird noises like Edd when he eats cereal.


I am going through some stuff so expect slow updates or not so great quality ones.

So ya, some insight... On... Things.

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