Onward Aoshima!

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So, we left a while ago because Damien said he could do some tests on Zaptryk to find out what was wrong. Jordan stayed behind because Damien asked him to, I guess Paul just stayed so he could be near Patryk.. That's so sweet and sad.

So right now, Matt and I are just exploring the base. It's freezing even though it's only four thirty? Suddenly I feel another layer of clothing plopped on my back. I grip the sleeve. Matt's overcoat? I look up to see Matt with a small blush looking the other way. "Matt, aren't you cold?"

"N-no, not at all!" He smiled and shook his hand around. I feel my cheeks puff up in disbelief. He looks off to the side sheepishly "Well, a little but I'm fine if you are!"

Ok, gotta think of something... Anything. I have an extremely gay and brilliant idea.

(A/N: reference to what my first ever thought of this fanfic was)

I shuffle closer to Matt while we kept walking then lean on him slightly. "Uhh, Edd?" Matt asks. "Hold me, peasant" I say in a serious tone. I feel his arm go around me hesitantly. "Professional living heat provider at your service" I poke my tongue out. I hear Matt burst into giggles and laughter.

I smile widely at my success. "Now one-hundred percent off for you and you only!" I add on. We keep the giggles going. Matt stops walking and after less than a second I feel two hands around my waist pull me up. After a single blink, I see myself higher up with a better view of the sunset. I look down to see Matt's ginger hair. I am receiving a piggy back ride from Matt. This isn't gay, right? Maybe a little...

"Then I will be your mighty steed, two hundred percent off, guaranteed!" I hear matt say with a confident tone.

I giggle and raise my eyebrow. "Mighty steed?"

"Fine, I'm a Matty steed" He adds on.

I begin laughing till my lungs hurt. The perfect pun! It exists! And... Matt made it? What a plot twist! "Where too?" Matt asks.

I look around from my new-found height. Let's see... "Too the cafeteria!" I point "onward aoshima!" I shout with all the passion I can manage. Matt laughed once before running down the rest of the lane of houses.

I wake up to see a ceiling.. Yeah not special really. I felt a robotic arm resting on my waist. I sit up, feeling way better! Guess that whole 'putting Tord's arm up my shirt' thing worked... Why did I have to think it like that? Gross, Thomas.

Hold on... I've been awake for five seconds and Tord hasn't harassed me.. What's wrong?! I turn around to see asleep on my bed. He looks so non-threatening when he's asleep... Well, I've woken up already so I can't exactly go straight back to sleep.

I carefully slide off the bed, as soon as I put pressure on my feet I start hurting from my legs down.. Shit, and ow. I try walking around, still hurts like hell. I realise how I haven't looked around this room properly yet.. There's a book shelf on the side of the room which peaks my interest.

I walk... Or rather stumble and limp over. I take one of the books, sit down and lean against the book shelf. As soon as I open to a random page, photos pour out. I pick a random one up... It's us... All of us! Edd, Matt, Tord and I standing together like the group of friends we all used to be...

I pick up another. I chuckle at remembering the 'funny shirt day' we used to have in Fridays.. Ah yes, the good ol' 'I'm with Jehovah's witness' and 'I'm with commie' shirt... Those were funny in an insulting way. Asshole.

Oh yeah! And 'the bath mobile!' That was a brilliant idea. All these pictures had the theme of when we all were friends... Before ya know... Tord left and came back to... Kill us... and take over the world... Times were much simpler back then.

But, why does he have these photos still? If he hates us. Or at least just Edd and Matt why does he have pictures of all of us? Does he miss being friends with them? Come on now, Tom. Don't jump to conclusions now.. He could have those for many reasons.

I put the photos back in the same page and stuff the book back. I look back to see Tord still asleep and hugging a pillow. That is so depressing. I stumble over and slide back to my spot, Tord snuggled the pillow. Probably thinking that's me... Gross.

Either way I can't actually lie on this bed with a pillow where my spot is. Stupid pillow. I carefully grab the top end of the pillow and pull it out of his grip, which was difficult... He kept a grip on that thing. When I did manage to take it away he just starts to try and reach out to it in his sleep like when you take a toy from a kid and they try to reach out to it.

Oh god damnit. I throw the pillow half way across the room and lie down where the pillow was, immediately getting hugged close to him. I just roll with it and snuggle closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. So I can choke him to death if he tries anything of course.

It's not so bad if they aren't awake right? Oh shut up! I still hate him... Not as much, still hate him... Wait, who am I arguing with?


Here's a short break from all the Damien and Jordan so you could enjoy some EddMatt and Tomtord.

(I was going to add something heart breaking at the end but I decided nAHH, save that for later.

Let this be known as the day... Tom got jealous of a pillow.

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