Wake ups

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(A/N: Hello yes I am Australian as all em buggers)


Gladly I woke up this morning not smelling like hell spawn vomit, so that's a huge plus. So this lovely morning I check to see if Yuu is dead or not. They're probably fine, unless they're not. I've made it to Patryk's old home and I knocked on the door and heard someone fall out of either a chair or a bed.

Knowing I couldn't say their real names I go with our secret code names "Uhh, dipshit one and two, it's me".

The door opened "Morning, Paulie" I heard from behind the door. I walk in and the door closes. "I was just taking Patryk's food" He explained in an overly bright tone. I check the bracelet- The blue one, "You know most of that food is off right?" I cross my arms, walking over and checking what he grabbed; cereal, no milk, a cup of coffee that had an obvious amount of sugar with cream... Yeah Mee isn't a fan of the bitterness of coffee.

"It beats it being drugged" He sighed, shrugging lazily.

I pull up a seat and sit down, resting my face on my hand. "You gotta share some of those stories at some point".

The trapped duo go cross eyed "I'd rather not". I laugh a little, still feeling tired. "Sleep alright?" I put my feet on the table, judging from the split second expression change, Yuu was not happy I did so "No need to act like you care. But I slept fine" I reply.

"No vomit monster dreams?" Mee laughs a little, looking less tired. He drank some of the diabetic coffee while smiling, making him dribble some of it and freak out "Fucking damnit". He put the cup down and wiped his chin, I try not to laugh. "Yes, my suffering is damn hilarious, I know" he says sarcastically, trying to hide his smile with his hand.

To spare him from his own humiliation I change the topic "Seen anything not rancid around?" I ask, taking my feet off the table, I cross my arms on the table. "Well, I did find some Tirz crackers that have a year left" He picks up a box he must've been hiding under the table- Oh no.

Mee snorts, blushing up and laughing too much to even finish his own joke "Does... Does HA!" He wheezes "D-does, Paulie want a cracker?" He had a tear in the corner of his eye that fell as soon as he started laughing again. I sigh, groaning mixed in "Wow, never letting go of that joke, are you?"

Mee inhales sharply before calming down a little "I've got a few years to catch up on" he leans on his chair poorly. "Ugh, it's still fucking hilarious as ever" Mee looks so pleased with himself. I stop leaning on the table and go back into my chair.

That stupid joke, Mee and Yuu used to tell it all the time while we were partners, then when Patryk joined after Red Leader's role was taken over by you know who. Then we kinda didn't talk as much because I got reassigned with Pat. Wait... "Shit, Pat!"

Mee made a noise of confusion at me suddenly jumping up and shouting. "I forgot to talk to Pat yesterday, he's probably freaking out!"

Mee laughs once before grumbling something under his breath "Still seeing the clingy paranoia". He glares off to the side "Hey!" I point at him, making him flinch and put his hands up in front of him "It's called 'love' and the side effects are 'caring' and 'worrying' as well as 'trust'!" I glare at him for a while before walking out "I'll see you later, don't die from diabetes while I'm gone".


He slams the door, making the whole place shake. A picture frame fell from it's place. The Yuu part of me got up and walked over to put it up, checking the photo while we were there- It's them, both of them, "They look so happy" Yuu added in, sounding happy yet sad.

"even Paul looks happy..." Is my input. I sigh, putting the framed photo back on the floor before sliding it behind the heater so the both of us didn't have to look at it. "He's our friend, we have to be happy for him, Mee" Yuu adds, with the try-hard positive tone.

"But who's going to be happy for us, Yuu?" Is all I can say and- shit I'm getting emotional, hate life, I hate everyone. "Look, if this is going to be our home for a while, we may as well make it feel more like one". I say before standing up and turning every picture of Patryk and Paul around. I'm not romantically jealous! Anyone can understand that having your friend abandon you because of someone else is god awful.

That feeling of being not loved equally- Is one of the reasons why we're here... But the process of making a difference is just as painful as getting accustomed to change. This sucks... Now my coffee is cold.


I woke up to Damien being cuddled up to me still, from memory we got here, ate a ton of candy and passed out and surprisingly I feel ok. Carefully I roll to face Damien, he's asleep which I know he almost never does now-adays. "Dame, can you let go? I'm gonna get up".

Damien grumbled angrily and held onto me tighter, still asleep. "Alright, I'm getting up" I warn him before starting to move, Damien starts tiredly screaming while still holding on. I fall out of the bed because of the weight Damien was keeping on me. Speaking of, he face planted into the floor, half of him still in the bed.

Giggling a little, I poke him gently and he grabs my ankle as a response, "Dame, get off" I laugh a little, letting him stay where he is for a bit "Since you're awake you can come with me if you want?" Damien took his face off the floor and looked at me- kind of... His eyes were closed. "No, I'm never waking up. I live here now". He starts sliding back into the bed.

I stand up, grabbing my sweater "I thought you were an insomniac?"

"Either I don't sleep or don't wake up" He says, making a blanket burrito for himself. I snort at his explanation and the burrito. I grab the edge of my red base-ball tee which I use as a sleep-shirt and lift it up a little but remember something.

I glance to Damien who was watching from his burrito. I glare at him suspiciously for a long time and he stares back. Eventually he says "I'm not here" Before sinking back into the blanket.

"Right" I drag out for a while as I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom, still staring suspiciously at him until I close the door slowly, making him laugh a little so I laugh a little as well. But knowing Damien, I lock the door. After a bit more giggling I quickly get changed.


I walk out of the bathroom, checking my shirt didn't get stuck in my jeans. I look up to see Damien lying on the bed in a 'draw me like one of your French girls' position, even doing the eyebrow thing that everyone does. Naturally I turn red but laugh it off, I cover my eyes and walk over to the chair he left his clothes on.

Then I grab his sweater and jeans "Put your damn clothes on, you weirdo", I throw his clothes at him a little more violently then I expected. He screeched and hid under the blankets again, "Don't tell me what to do!" he tiredly grumbled.

I sit on the bed, next to where Damien hid "I'll bring you some noodles, how about that?" Damien pokes his head out of the covers "I'll put my dick in the noodles!" he screeched.

After sighing I get up "Alright, I'll see ya later". I ruffle his hair and he stares at me in disgust, making my giggle a little. I start walking to the door "Try not to get yourself killed while I'm out". For some reason this made him fall out of the bed "Wait, I'm coming!" He failed to sit up "Just wait outside while I get changed, you weirdo" He taunts, poking out his tongue.

"Uhm, alright?" I say before walking out and closing the door, sitting on one of the stairs down. Do I like Damien? I mean the y'know 'like' him like that, I don't know. It could be me just caring about him as a friend, but I dunno... My chest has that feeling in it so... Heck, I dunno.


Behold the not so tsun, tsundere. Help him. And Mee is here too I guess.

He's emotionally struggling as ever. He cries a lot. Don't bother helping him.

Yuu is a sweet Kuudere.

Yet again I'd like to say;

Stop telling me what to put in the story. If you want to control this fic make your own.

Also apparently Jordame is more loved than eddmatt. Wow...

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